2021 Assembly election results

At our 2021 Assembly, we elected synod council members and committee members, as well as voting members to attend the Churchwide Assembly in August, 2022.

We welcome these new members, and thank all of the many leaders who participated in these elections. We are grateful for your continued leadership in the Grand Canyon Synod.



Synod Council Vice President
This position is a four-year term, limited to two full terms consecutively.

Young Adult Synod Council Representatives
This position is a 3-year term and shall serve not more than 2 consecutive terms.

Male At-Large Synod Council Representative
This position is a 3-year term and shall serve not more than 2 consecutive terms.

Female At-Large Synod Council Representatives
This position is a 3-year term and shall serve not more than 2 consecutive terms.

Rostered Minister Synod Council Representatives
This position is a 3-year term and shall serve not more than 2 consecutive terms.

Conference Synod Council Representatives
The following individuals were selected by their conferences to represent their respective conferences on the Synod Council. You will elect these representatives by ratification.

  • Barbara Carl, Fiesta Conference (2-year term; 1st term was extended due to COVID-19, and will be replaced as she is serving as Council Vice President)

  • Laura Musfeldt, Northeast Valley Conference (2-year term; 1st term was extended due to COVID-19)

  • Lisa Parrish, Rio Salado Conference (3-year term)

  • High Country – TBD (3-year term)


Person of Color/Primary language other than English Churchwide Assembly Representative

Youth or Young Adult Churchwide Assembly Representative

Lay Male Churchwide Assembly Representatives

Lay Female Churchwide Assembly Representatives

Rostered Minister Churchwide Assembly Representatives


Committee on Discipline

Consultation Committee
