Thanks to all who made our 2024 Assembly possible!
We are deeply grateful to the many individuals who have embodied the Word in their contributions to this year’s Synod Assembly. From committees and task forces to volunteers on the ground, your dedication and hard work have been instrumental in bringing our vision to life.
A special thank you goes to our voting members. Your commitment to travel, engage, and participate in the complex business of the church is invaluable, especially in this year of a Bishop election. Your willingness to serve, your discerning voices, and your passion for our mission have been vital in shaping the direction of our church. This Assembly’s success is a testament to your meaningful contributions and active participation. Y’all truly embody the Word!
Our thanks to everyone behind the scenes or anyone we missed who helped make this Assembly amazing!
We are also grateful for the presence of Bishop Jim Gonia of the Rocky Mountain Synod.
For a smooth flow of our plenary sessions and Bishop voting elections, we thank Ms. Barbara B. Carl, your Synod Vice President and Chair of the Synod Council; Rev. Stephen Springer, Synod Secretary; Mr. Erik Rehms, Synod Treasurer; and Rev. David Brandfass, our parliamentarian for this assembly.
A hearty thank you goes out to our dedicated assembly planning team. Your hard work transformed our collective vision into a reality, crafting an enriching and inspiring experience for all attendees.
Kathye Hamm, chair
Laura Musfeldt
Pastor Nanette Christoffersen
Deacon Laura Book
Andrea Arey
Pastor David Brandfass
Patti Delaney
Roger Bailey
Mary Beth Baron, Reference and Counsel Chair
Dick Beckman (Love of Christ)
Dianne Oien (Love of Christ)
Supported by Theresa Thornburgh and Brian Flatgard
Advised by Bishop Hutterer and Barbara Carl
We thank our stage managers: Pastor Dan Potaznick and Pastor Tim Perlick and Andrea Arey
Pastor Verónica Alvarez led our worship committee and planning
Deacon Lorraine Brugh and Deacon Kate Adelman organized our inspiring Wild Life Hymn Festival
A photographic record of the assembly was captured by Pastor Lars Hammar of Lord of Grace Lutheran Church in Tucson.
Childcare: Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary and California Lutheran University sponsored childcare services, making it possible for all members, including parents and guardians, to participate fully in the assembly. Read more here.
Thanks to Roger Bailey, Chair of the Nominating Committee, as well as Glenn Austad, Lynn Davis, Janis Richert, and Myrna Wells-Ulland who served on the committee.
Thanks to Deacon Sarah Bjornebo of the Rocky Mountain Synod for sharing their script and tips and tricks from their most recent synod assembly.
Our Bishop Election team planned for every contingency: Deacon John Weit, Mark Meyers, Pastor Amalia Vagts, Pastor John Biggs, Casey Goslin, Wendy Weiske, and Martin Jimenez. Barbara Carl also attended many meetings.
Rev. Lowell Almen
Rev. Kaila Armbruster
Mary Beth Baron
Rev. Doug Dill
Anabel Estrada
Rev. Alan Field
Suki Kusling
Laura Musfeldt
Jeff Musfeldt
Alma Siqueiros
Gail Turner
Karen Austad
Our First Call "Shepherds" for Bishop Candidates
Pr. Katie Langston
Pr. Judi Tyler
Pr. Lourdes Olson
Pr. Wyatt Linde
Pr. Beth Gallen
Pr. Luis Ochoa
Our deepest appreciation is extended to Love of Christ, our gracious host for this year’s assembly and our assembly home in the Valley. Your great hospitality and campus embodies the spirit of the Word, creating a warm and welcoming environment for worship, fellowship, and meaningful dialogue. Thank you taking the time to creatively help us utilize the full campus, and for your invaluable contributions to the success of this event.
Pastor Steve Talmage and Pastor Nanette Christofferson
Dick Beckman, Operations Manager
Set up team:
Larry Dray
Larry Kaler
Chris Norden
Jerry & Julie Sanders
Jen & Gary Boehnke
Don Barenz
Hospitality team:
Cindy Wallin
Patti DeLaney
Beth Hesse
Agnes Weaver
Dianne Oien
Workshop Volunteers (direct people to rooms):
Lisa Frost
Al Gjersvig
Mark Christofferson
Denise Smith
Other Volunteers:
Bobbie Daack
Karen & Darrell Reinhart
Donna Johnson
Ginger Sarver
Jim Oberhoffer
Barb Oberhoffer
Deacon Lorraine Brugh
Deacon Kate Adleman
Jerry Gunderson
Karin Gunderson
Our Exhibitors
California Lutheran University & Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary
GC Synod Global Engagement Team
Grand Canyon Synod Campus Ministries
The Lutheran Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Relations Network (LEIRN)
MDW Press
We give thanks for our synod council who made a successful assembly and Bishop election one of their top priorities this year.
Cathedral Rock in Ruby Violet, by Melanie Chambers Hartman
We thank Melanie Chambers Hartman, who kindly let us use her painting, “Cathedral Rock in Ruby Violet,” as the image on our gift tiles for our special guests and departing synod council members.
“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”