Posts in Stewardship
Payson Warming Center: Generosity Film Festival

Throughout the Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas season, we highlight submissions to the 2020 Generosity Film Festival.

This week we share the winner of the Best Community Impact Story and Best Editing Award, from Mount Cross Lutheran Church in Payson, Arizona. Their story of generosity: opening Payson's first homeless and homeless veteran warming center.

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Selfish Generosity: Generosity Film Festival

Throughout the Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas season, we highlight submissions to the 2020 Generosity Film Festival.

This week we share the winner of our Most Contagious Generosity Story Award, from Ginny Phillips, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, Tucson. View in this blog post or on Vimeo.

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Presenting the Generosity Film Festival videos

The Stewardship Team is proud to present all the submissions to the Generosity Film Festival 2020! Enjoy these stories of generosity from the Grand Canyon Synod. Submissions are still being accepted. View our submission guidelines.

In the midst of the challenging times we live—and as we enter the Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas seasons—congregations and people of every generation give witness to and celebrate the stories of God’s generosity that surround us in our daily lives.

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Generosity Film Festival submission deadline is Monday, 11/16/2020

The GCS Stewardship Team invites you to film and submit a “story of generosity” as part of the Generosity Film Festival. Your video will be featured on the GCS website the week of Thanksgiving. Our hope is for an abundance of stories from across our synod, overflowing with heart-felt testimonies of generosity.

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How to tell a good story

The Grand Canyon Stewardship Team shares this info on the timeless power of storytelling. A good story is short and sweet, packed with concrete details, about a strong main character, timely and relevant, and includes an invitation to action.

All good things to know as you submit your story to the Generosity Film Festival. Submit by Monday, November 16, 2020.

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Achieving a Strong Response fall stewardship session set for Saturday, 10/17/2020

Beginning a Culture of Generosity continues with Achieving a Strong Response, Oct 17, 2020, 9 – 10 am, MST. Registered congregations will receive log-in info.

Just a reminder that by Saturday, you should watch videos 6 and 7, and all the previous. To find the videos and all other materials, you'll need to log into

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Third session of Beginning a Culture of Generosity program available

The third session of the Beginning a Culture of Generosity fall stewardship program is available for review. It’s available here for those who missed it or are curious about the program.

Because this program is intended for registered BCG participants, recorded sessions will only be available for about 4-6 weeks following each session. Contact Deb Elstad, 3E Associate Director,, if your congregation wants to benefit from this one-time-only program.

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Beginning a Culture of Generosity program second session available

For those involved in the Beginning a Culture of Generosity fall stewardship program, the second session is available here for those who missed it or are curious about the program.

Because this program is intended for registered BCG participants, recorded sessions will only be available for about 4-6 weeks following each session. Contact Deb Elstad, 3E Associate Director,, if your congregation wants to benefit from this one-time-only program.

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Lilly 3E stewardship program builds momentum

The next session for Beginning a Culture of Generosity, An Effective, Inspiring Stewardship Appeal, is Saturday, 9/5/2020, at 9 am. Need to review the first session? It’s available here for those who missed it or are curious about the program.

Contact Deb Elstad, 3E Associate Director,, if your congregation wants to be with the 25 other congregations who are benefiting from this one-time-only program during these unique times.

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Build an effective, inspiring stewardship appeal

Beginning a Culture of Generosity launched early August and continues with our next session: An Effective, Inspiring Stewardship Appeal, on Saturday, 9/5/2020, at 9 am.

Bummed your congregation isn’t participating in this one-of-a-kind stewardship program? It’s not too late! Contact Deb Elstad, 3E Associate Director,, and get on the train.

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Last change to register for Beginning a Culture of Generosity

Register by August 15, 2020 for Beginning a Culture of Generosity and reap the benefits of this one-time only program established for your fall stewardship season in this unprecedented year of pandemic.

This program, from the consulting firm GSB Fundraising, is just $150 with a $500 scholarship from 3E and the Grand Canyon Synod to each congregation.

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Beginning a Culture of Generosity: Unique stewardship for a time of pandemic

There’s still time to take advantage of Beginning a Culture of Generosity, a one-time only stewardship program established for this unprecedented year of pandemic.

This program, from the consulting firm GSB Fundraising, is just $150 with a $500 scholarship from 3E and the Grand Canyon Synod to each congregation. Register by August 15, 2020.

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Beginning a Culture of Generosity registration deadline extended to 8/15/2020

Registration is now open through August 15th for Beginning a Culture of Generosity, a program from the consulting firm GSB Fundraising. Register by August 15, 2020. 3E and the Grand Canyon Synod are offering a $500 scholarship for each congregation toward the program cost of $650.

Get professional, relevant help this year with GSB Fundraising, who has tutored dozens of congregations. The program aims for congregations to stabilize current 2020 year giving to 2019 (pre-Coronavirus) levels.

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Grand Canyon Synod fully launches Educate, Equip, Enact (3E) program

The Grand Canyon Synod is pleased to announce that we have fully launched our new program titled Educate, Equip, Enact (3E), with three components: Stewardship for All Seasons, The Ministerial Excellence Fund and Vital Right Shaped Ministry.

We know that the circumstances of these times may have resulted in personal difficulties for rostered leaders and have also created challenges for congregations. Fortunately, through the generosity of the Lilly Endowment’s National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders and in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Synod, we may be able to help.

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