Beginning a Culture of Generosity program wraps up
The fifth session of the Beginning a Culture of Generosity fall stewardship program is available for review. It’s available here for those who missed it or are curious about the program. Read on for testimonials from participants.
Because this program is intended for registered BCG participants, recorded sessions will only be available for about 4-6 weeks following each session. We also ask that you don’t share these sessions widely as the materials are proprietary to GSB Fundraising. Thank you.
The Stewardship For All Seasons program is approaching in 2021. To express interest or sign up and secure a scholarship, contact Miguel Gomez-Acosta:
“At Holy Trinity Lutheran in Chandler AZ, we had our Commitment Sunday on 11/15. We have exceeded 2019 in commitments by 9 at this time and in dollars — many have increased, a few have had to decrease due to the pandemic. Since we did not spend our Stewardship Committee budget this year, for every commitment card returned whether or not they pledge, we are donating $10 to our local agency that we work with on the homeless program.”
“New Promise Lutheran in St. George, Ut has had their drive. We have increased our total commitments by tens of thousands of dollars but have stayed the same with the number of commitment cards received. We are honoring those returned cards with a donation of $5 per card to “Good Gifts”.”
“Our giving this year is over $30,000 more than last year. 19 out of 26 is an increase in giving.”
“At Grace in Phoenix, our statements of intent are about the same as last year, but there is an increase in the amount of giving, about $10,000 more so far.”
“This program has gotten me in particular, and maybe the rest of Grace in Phoenix in general, out of the tithing and budget mentality of stewardship and more into this storytelling mode. The beginning of a transformation.”