Posts in News
A Christmas message from the ELCA

In this post, we share “The Prince of Peace at Christmas,” a Christmas message from the ELCA. View as a PDF in English and in Spanish, or as a video.

Bishop Eaton recalls the Christmas message from the angels: "Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace to God's people on Earth." She reminds us that when we greet one another with the sign of peace, “we share the peace, the love of God, and as we do, we know that God has reached from heaven to earth and in the Prince of Peace is sharing God's peace with us.”

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Spirited Advent continues on December 17, 2023

Join us Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center online for "Spirited Advent: My Soul Magnifies the Lord!" – a soulful Zoom journey this Advent. Hosted by Sheri Brown, each Sunday session offers a sacred space for reflection and connection, exploring themes of hope, peace, joy, and love. Inspired by Mary's Magnificat, these 30-minute gatherings provide a much-needed spiritual respite during the busy holiday season. Register now for this enriching, free series and discover your soul's unique begotten-ness.

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Spirited Examen concluding session is December 21, 2023

Embark on a spiritual adventure with the Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center as Spirited Examen wraps up this yearl. Dive deep into reflective practices focusing on strengthening your bonds with God, Creation, and fellow humans. Engage in this final meaningful online session of 2023. Discover more about this enlightening journey here.

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New ways to prepare Lutheran Advent resources offered in a variety of formats

Discover fresh ways to engage with Advent this year, as featured in Living Lutheran. Dive into a variety of innovative resources created by the ELCA, from the Metropolitan Washington, D.C., Synod's new podcast, "The World Is About to Turn," to Church Anew's convenient "Advent in a Box" package, and the enduring appeal of Luther Seminary's traditional daily devotional. These creative tools offer meaningful experiences to deepen your Advent journey, whether at home, in church, or on the go.

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Embracing Stories of Hope: ELCA World Hunger's Journey

Dive into the latest "Go & Do News" from ELCA World Hunger, where Peter McLellan, the new program director for hunger education, emphasizes the power of storytelling in our fight against hunger. Discover the upcoming ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in 2024, explore new Advent and Lent resources, and learn about impactful advocacy efforts. Plus, get inspired by the first ELCA Fall Climate Summit and the celebration of 50 years of ELCA World Hunger's transformative impact.

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Celebrate Christmas New Orleans style and get ready for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

Get into the festive spirit with our New Orleans-themed Christmas Spotify playlist and join us for the much-anticipated 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. With regular registration open until February 14, 2024, at $425 per person there's still plenty of time to add members to your group or invite new friends for an unforgettable faith-formation experience. Read all the latest info in the latest newsletter. Plus, don't miss the opportunity for young adults to become Servant Companions, playing a pivotal role in this life-changing ministry with benefits including housing, food, and a travel stipend.

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2024 Spring Gatherings:  "Embody the Word" Across the Grand Canyon Synod

Join us for our Spring Gatherings themed "Embody the Word" across the Grand Canyon Synod! Engage in meaningful discussions, understand the bishop election process, and hear inspiring stories from our ministries. Mark your calendars for these gatherings at various locations from January to March 2024. Visit our 2024 Spring Gatherings page for all the details.

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Mission Support Memo: November, 2023

The ELCA mission support memo for November, 2023 is available as PDF or as a Word doc. This month they highlight how Mission Support empowers us to be church together, hearing from the Rev. Jonathan Hemphill, assistant to the bishop for congregational life with the Southeastern Synod. They also highlight how to access valuable Stewardship video resources and end sharing how grateful we are the for the ways we stay connected.

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Inside Out Network’s Fall-Winter 2023 newsletter

The Inside Out Network’s Fall-Winter 2023 newsletter is available, with great news; “After several years of on-again, off-again discussions and negotiations with Securus Technologies, we finally have a path forward to integrate our online ION website with the 600,000 tablet computers they supply to inmates across the country. This is the breakthrough moment we’ve been working and praying for and that inmates, corrections staff, and reentry service providers have been waiting for.

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Faith+Lead's 5-Day Advent Challenge

Are you surprised that it's already time for Advent? Luther Seminary’s faith+lead would like to extend some support and encouragement to help you start this holiday season centered on Jesus. Get ready to take a daily pause to breathe in their free 5-Day Advent Challenge: Season of Hope. Discover Your Place in God’s Story in just 20 minutes per day. 

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Give Yourself the Gift of Resources

Amidst the joy and celebration – and, yes, stress – of this season, your body can use all the help it can get. Whether it’s treatment for a pesky cough, a listening ear to help process impostor syndrome or budget worries, or ideas for a new healthy holiday tradition, check out Portico’s curated list of resources to support you and your family this season (and Advent blessings to you!)

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 12/1/2023
November/December 2023 Update: Advocacy Connections

The ELCA Advocacy office's latest update includes critical efforts towards peace in the Israel-Hamas conflict, advocacy for the 2018 Farm Bill extension, support for climate-smart farming, U.S. commitment to end child marriage, and legislative progress on immigration reform. These actions reflect ELCA’s commitment to global justice, environmental stewardship, and gender equality.

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