Posts in News
Phoenix mosque tours: Finding common ground

The Islamic Speakers Bureau of Arizona is providing a tour of 3 different mosques in the Valley. Register today for this opportunity on Saturday, May 6, 2003, noon to 5 pm. Your visits to each mosque will include a tour of the campus, a short talk from the Imam followed by Q&A.

Water and fruits will be provided at each stop. You will travel on an air conditioned coach. During the rides between locations guides will give you the history of the mosque you will visit as well as mosque etiquette.

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Blessed Tomorrow: Heed your sacred call to lead on climate

In the story of Joseph, found in the Torah, Bible, and Quran, the youngest son of Jacob has the gift of dream interpretation and prophecy. He uses his gifts to prophesy that there will be seven years of abundance followed by seven years of scarcity.

It is 2023 and we have seven years to meet the 2030 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) goals of 50% reductions in carbon pollution in order to secure a liveable planet for all. Many faith leaders and climate scientists are prophesying that these next seven years are the most important of our lives.

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Pastor Amalia Vagts and Pastor Mateo Chavez receive Grand Canyon Synod International Travel Scholarships

The Grand Canyon Synod International Travel Scholarship is made available by a GCS pastor and spouse because they are grateful for such experiences in their own lives and ministries, and they want to make similar opportunities available to others.

This years’ recipients are Pastor Amalia Vagts and Pastor Mateo Chavez. Pastor Vagts will be using the funds to travel to Palestine and Israel with Wartburg Seminary. Pastor Chavez will be traveling to Mexico City to spend time at the Augsburg Lutheran Seminary there.

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Lutheran Social Services of Nevada offers Egg Hunt and Resource Fair

What are some adjectives that we use to describe our Egg Hunt and Resource Fair? Well it was wild and it was joyful.

We were able to serve about 380 children from 240 families with multiple resources! It was on the local news on NBC channel 3, CBS channel 8, and Fox 5 (see clip here). Thanks to everyone that made this happen; it was an example of many people coming together to help under served families and children. View a video recap here.

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Arizona Chaplaincy for the Homeless offers Christian ministry of presence and advocacy

Central Arizona Shelter Services (CASS) provides more than just a safe place to sleep. The chaplaincy program at CASS cares for people experiencing homelessness who have a spiritual hunger.

Lay and rostered leaders are encouraged to volunteer their time with the chaplaincy program at CASS to teach Bible Studies and serve as outreach coordinators. Volunteer duties take two to three hours per week. Contact John Thurston or check out to learn more.

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The Gospel of Matthew: Life in the Way of God

Faith+Lead is excited to announce a brand-new way to learn about faith from anywhere at any time with the first on-demand Faith+Lead Academy course: The Gospel of Matthew. Experience the life and teachings of Jesus through art, reflection, and application. Sample the Gospel of Matthew Course here.

Led by author, theologian, and cartoonist Steve Thomason, this is more than a course, it’s an experience of refreshment and connection with God.

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