Posts in ELCA
God's love in these times | 2024 ELCA Churchwide Report video

Have you heard the phrase, “May you live in interesting times?” Many would say we live in uncertain times, with a world experiencing war and famine, the stress and lingering effects of the pandemic. But Bishop Eaton reminds us that as people of the Resurrection we also live in hope. God’s love sustains us even in the most difficult times. We live in interesting times because God’s love is always real.

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A Season of Music and Faith: Upcoming Lutheran Music Events

This summer, engage with your faith through music at a series of Lutheran music events. Highlights include Augsburg Fortress Summer Music Clinics in five U.S. cities and the Lutheran Summer Music Academy at Valparaiso University, featuring over 30 public concerts. Additionally, Music that Makes Community offers community singing workshops, embodying our commitment to faith, music, and community. Embrace this opportunity to deepen your spiritual journey through music and read more at ELCA Worship’s monthly blog post.

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Commemoration of the Emanuel Nine: Guest blog writer Desta Goehner

To commemorate the 9th anniversary of the martyrdom of the Emanuel 9 – Clementa C. Pinckney, Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lee Lance, DePayne Middleton-Doctor, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel Lee Simmons, Sharonda Coleman-Singleton, and Myra Thompson, our beloved siblings in Christ who were murdered by a self-professed white supremacist and ELCA parishioner while they were gathered for Bible study and prayer at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church (often referred to as Mother Emanuel) in Charleston, South Carolina on June 17, 2015 – Desta Goehner, Board President of the ELCA Association of White Lutherans for Racial Justice to share some thoughts about this day of repentance.

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Empowering Leaders: Apply Now for ELCA Disability Ministries 2024 Grants

The ELCA Disability Ministries is now accepting grant applications for 2024, offering a total of $50,000 to support projects that integrate and uplift people with disabilities within our congregations. Eligible projects should align with goals such as promoting leadership, enhancing support resources, and building inclusive community connections. Applications will close by July 31st or sooner if 30 applications are received. Apply today to contribute to a more inclusive church environment. For details and registration, visit ELCA Grants.

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ELCA Youth Gathering to bring thousands to New Orleans

Meeting under the theme "Created to Be," nearly 16,000 youth, adult leaders and others from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) will participate in the ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans, La., July 16-20. The Gathering brings together high school age Lutherans from across the country and overseas for faith formation, worship, fellowship and service. Read full press release at

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2024 ELCA Youth Gathering: In-Kind Offering

In the aftermath of a storm, hurricane, or tornado, New Orleans residents regularly find themselves without electricity. This quickly becomes a health crisis as people try to manage life in the hot, humid Gulf Coast summers. City leaders and community organizers identified the eight most-requested items to help residents as they wait for the power grid to be restored.

Our goal is to create 3,000 disaster relief kits filled with these items to help New Orleanians get through the days immediately following a natural disaster. It takes about $100 to create an entire disaster relief kit. We encourage you to collect the items for your region or raise funds to complete an entire kit! Click here to learn more.

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Draw Your Dreams: Submit Art for a Better Future at Youth Gathering

Join the Lutherans Restoring Creation art contest to envision a better future through your artwork! Open to youth and young adults, this contest encourages participants to reimagine their communities in harmony with the environment. Submit your art by June 30, 2024, for a chance to have your work displayed at the Youth Gathering in New Orleans and turned into advocacy postcards. All levels of art skills are welcome. Click to learn more and submit your vision of a sustainable tomorrow!

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Bishop Eaton: Christian Nationalism and who is a real American

There is a movement in this country that seeks to define “real Americans” as white, Christian and native born. That is not only untrue but unpatriotic. In her video addressing Christian Nationalism, Bishop Eaton reminds us that “what binds us together is not ethnicity, but shared participation in our civic life springing out of our cultural heritages and working for the common good.” Download this message here, learn more about the Lutheran perspective on Christian Nationalism in this resource from ELCA Advocacy, and take action and join the movement here.

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Deepening Our Understanding Through Faith: ELCA’s Online Workshop Series on Social Issues

Join the ELCA’s upcoming online workshop series starting June 25, where Dr. Roger Willer will lead a session on Lutheran Social Teachings. Engage in discussions on critical social issues like corporate responsibility, abortion, and climate crisis in the context of our faith. Sessions will run from June to October, each from 7:00 to 8:30 PM online via Zoom. Registration is open for both individuals and congregations. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding and lead in your community. Register now.

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For What Shall We Pray?
  • For justice and peace among nations where war and violence rage, especially Palestine and Israel, Iran, Myanmar, Iraq, Haiti, Russia and Ukraine, Burkina Faso, and South Sudan…

  • For victims of the capsized boat off the coast of Yemen, and for the plight of all migrants…

  • For excessive heat warnings, storm threats, and all areas of the nation facing extreme weather…

  • For the Southern Baptist Convention as delegates gather for its annual meeting…

  • For all victims of violence, including shooing victims in Atlanta, GA and Cornell College (IA) stabbing victims in northeastern China…

  • For citizens of Malawi, grieving the death of Vice President Saulos Chilima and others after a plane crash…

  • For safety and protection for all travelers…

  • For fathers and all who serve as caregivers, role models, and parental figures…

  • For advocates and peacemakers who continue to lead society in the work of racial justice and reconciliation…

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Bishop Eaton Issues Message on the War in Gaza

For eight horrific months war has raged in Gaza. Thousands of people have died, and thousands more are suffering. In recent days we have seen unspeakable images of violence in Rafah and escalating violence in the West Bank. Like the prophet Isaiah, we lament, "How long, O Lord?" (Isaiah 6:11).

At times a just peace for Palestinians and Israelis doesn't seem possible, yet as Christians we believe that it is. The psalmist assures us that God "makes wars cease to the end of the earth" (Psalm 46:9). At times it seems that there is nothing we can do, yet through baptism God calls us to be peacemakers. We live out this calling in many ways, including through prayer, advocacy and accompaniment.

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ELCA Hunger's Go and Do News: 50 Years of Commitment: ELCA World Hunger’s Journey and Our Path Forward

Join us in celebrating 50 years of ELCA World Hunger’s commitment to fighting global poverty in their latest Go and Do News. Engage with us at the upcoming ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans from July 16-20, where you can participate in transformative role-playing activities. Apply for our Domestic Hunger Grants by June 16, and explore new resources available for download to inspire your community. Together, let’s continue to ask, “What, then, should we do?” to promote justice and peace worldwide.

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For What Shall We Pray?
  • For justice and peace among nations where war and violence rage, especially Palestine and Israel, Iran, Myanmar, Iraq, Haiti, Russia and Ukraine, Burkina Faso, and South Sudan…

  • For elections and political transitions around the world…

  • At the 35th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square protests…

  • For those affected by severe flooding in southern Germany…

  • For those evacuated due to the eruption of Mount Kanlaon Monday night on Negros Island in the Philippines…

  • For safety and relief during extreme heat waves in Arizona and California…

  • For protection and compassion for refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants…

  • For victims of the mass shooting in Akron, Ohio…

  • For veterans and all military personnel and their families, at the 80th anniversary of D-Day…

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Civic Duty and Faith: Join Autumn Byars for Election Engagement Talks

This June, join Autumn Byars every Thursday at 5:30 PM PDT/MST for a series of engaging discussions on the role of young Lutherans in electoral politics. These sessions aim to empower and prepare you for active participation in the upcoming elections. Register here and mark your calendars to be a part of this important civic engagement initiative.

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Ecumenical Progress: ELCA and Partners Update Common Texts, Address Historical Bias

The Consultation on Common Texts (CCT), which includes the ELCA among its members, recently convened to address revisions in the lectionary to combat anti-Jewish interpretations. Key updates and resources, such as the “Preaching and Teaching With Love and Respect for the Jewish People,” guide our community in respectful, inclusive worship planning. The CCT also plans to introduce a new feast celebrating divine creation, reflecting a broader ecumenical commitment.

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Lutheran Advocates Unite: A May Recap of Ecumenical Outreach and Policy Engagement

This May, Lutheran advocates have been active from the U.N. to local state legislatures, promoting sustainable development, justice, and community welfare. Highlights include the ECOSOC Youth Forum, California’s successful Lutheran Lobby Day, and significant legislative wins in Colorado. Join us for an upcoming event on June 13 to discuss the Farm Bill, a key policy affecting our communities. Read the full blog post on for more on how Lutherans are making a difference globally and locally.

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