Posts in ELCA
Daniel's Journey: From Gathering Participant to Dedicated Volunteer

Daniel Mambu shares his enriching journey as a volunteer at previous Gatherings, recalling the impact it had on him as a youth. With various volunteer roles available for the upcoming Gathering, he reflects on his excitement to return to New Orleans and the significance of being a part of this transformative experience. Read why Daniel loves volunteering on the ELCA Youth Gathering blog.

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Connecting Past Struggles with Today's Challenges: March on Washington at 60

Reflecting on the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington, the ELCA Racial Justice blog emphasizes the lasting impact and current relevance of the fight for racial and economic justice. The post highlights the ongoing challenges of systemic racism, such as redlining and voting rights restrictions, and calls for continued advocacy in line with ELCA’s commitment to racial justice.

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Inviting In: One Immigrant's Reflection on Matthew 25:35

Raed AbuJries delves deep into his immigration experience, emphasizing the transformative power of kindness. As he navigated the complexities of American society, the diverse responses from individuals shaped his perspective on acceptance, prejudice, and the real-world implications of Matthew 25:35. Through his journey, Raed underscores the value of "inviting in" strangers and the profound ripple effect it can have on both individuals and communities. Read about his immigration experience on the AMMPARO blog.

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A Century of Faith and Fellowship: The Lutheran Sudan Mission Centennial Celebration

The Lutheran Sudan Mission celebrated its Centennial in June at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, Minnesota. From its humble beginnings in 1923 with the first missionaries to the region, the mission has evolved, leading to the establishment of two churches with Indigenous leadership in Cameroon and the Central African Republic (CAR). Marking 100 years of partnership, the celebration focused on the past, present, and future of missionary work in the region, emphasizing relationship building and mutual fellowship in sharing the Gospel. Learn more at Living Lutheran.

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Investing with Integrity: How ELCA's CSR Program Aligns Money with Values

The ELCA Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program ensures that investments align with Lutheran teachings through socially responsible practices, focusing on environmental, social, and governance issues (ESG). By working closely with Portico Benefit Services, they provide investment screens and issue papers to guide individual investors and organizations towards ethical investments, reflecting their commitment to integrity and sustainable long-term growth. Learn more at Living Lutheran.

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African Descent Lutheran Association Assembly 2023

Members of ADLA (African Descent Lutheran Association) gathered July 7-9, 2023 in Atlanta under the theme “This Is Us”. Members engaged in worship, attended educational workshops and conducted official business including elected a new governing board. In this video, we hear from some of the assembly attendees about the weekend and the importance of ADLA.

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For What Shall We Pray? 8/22/2023
  • For areas experiencing excessive heat and for access to cooling stations for vulnerable individuals…

  • For relief and recovery in areas experiencing wildfires, including the northeastern Greece; Maui, Hawaii; the Canadian Province of British Columbia, and the city of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories…

  • For communities in Southern California as they recover from both an earthquake and Tropical Storm Hilary…

  • For all in the path of Tropical Storms Franklin and Harold…

  • For feeding ministries in congregations that provide meals and food to their local communities…

  • For those who feel lonely or alone…

  • For victims of gun violence and their families…

  • For those experiencing strained marital relationships and couples going through separation and divorce….

  • For migrants and refugees seeking better employment opportunities, for safe travel and a warm welcome…

  • For peace in areas of war or conflict, especially in Ukraine, Libya, Syria, and Palestine…

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ELCA Update: Crisis Funding, Energy Efficiency, and Bipartisan Support for Afghans

The August/September update from ELCA's advocacy office covers urgent matters such as FEMA's funding crisis, clean energy tax credits for churches, efforts in the Farm Bill reauthorization, growing support for the Afghan Adjustment Act, and international funding decisions. These updates underline the pressing issues that call for advocacy, reflection, and action in our society.

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Calvary Lutheran Church Claims Third 'Holy Cow Award' for Mission Support

In an ELCA blog post, ELCA Hunger shares how Calvary Lutheran Church in Perham, Minnesota, has been honored with the Northwestern Minnesota Synod's "Holy Cow Award" for the third time. Recognized for their unwavering support for missions, the church recently donated $12,500 to ELCA World Hunger. While proud of the award, the church's focus remains on its proactive giving spirit, viewing the award as a reflection of their core values rather than a goal in itself.

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Enhancing Worship: New ELCA Resources for Congregations and Leaders

Stay up-to-date with the August 2023 Worship News from the ELCA Worship, including resources for "God's work. Our hands." Sunday, a new addition to teach kids about worship through "All Creation Sings," and opportunities for spiritual growth and musical inspiration with Music that Makes Community.

Whether you are a congregation leader or a choir director, explore these resources and upcoming events that can enhance your spiritual practices and communal connections.

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From Pain to Prevention: Pastor's Fight against Child Exploitation

The harrowing experience of ELCA pastor Alvin Erickson's daughter being victimized by sex trafficking led to the creation of a vital ministry called Adults Saving Kids. This nonprofit seeks to equip parents and grandparents with the tools and knowledge to protect their children from the subtle and sophisticated dangers of modern society.

The organization provides valuable courses and guidance on nurturing wisdom and resilience in young ones to safeguard them from potential harm. Read more in Living Lutheran about the journey of turning a tragic event into a mission for proactive prevention.

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From Conflict to Compassion: Lessons from Galatians for Today’s World

Explore a reflective meditation from Rev. Drew Tucker on Galatians 5:22-26, focusing on the fruits of the Spirit. In a world where division often reigns, Tucker's insights offer a timely reminder of the virtues we must cultivate. He draws parallels between the conflicts of the early Galatian church and our modern struggles, urging us to practice love, joy, peace, and other spiritual gifts intentionally. Find inspiration for your spiritual journey by reading more at Living Lutheran.

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Seeds Monthly: ELCA's September Initiatives and Upcoming Events

Explore the latest initiatives and events in the latest ELCA Seeds Monthly, including the 10th anniversary of "God's work. Our hands." Sunday, the Future Church vision, remembrance for Indian boarding schools, and various opportunities for congregational engagement. Join us in this journey of love, healing, and transformation, and discover how you can be part of making God's love real in the world today.

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Mission Support Memo July 2023: ELCA's Joyous Reunion at the Rostered Ministers Gathering

The ELCA mission support memo for July, 2023 is available as a PDF, as a Word doc, or in this blog post. Join ELCA Mission Support in reflecting on the 2023 Rostered Ministers Gathering in Phoenix. A melting pot of leadership, faith, and inspiration, this gathering fostered connections and reinforced the importance of Mission Support. Learn about the enlightening messages, workshops, and the ongoing mission work that is made possible through the generosity of ELCA members.

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For What Shall We Pray? 8/15/2023
  • For the people of Hawaii and especially the victims of wildfires on the island of Maui…

  • For those affected by the mudslides in Myanmar…

  • For those evacuated due to Typhoon Lan in western Japan…

  • For farmers in the closing weeks of the growing season as they prepare for the coming harvest…

  • For Lutheran colleges and for Lutheran campus ministries at colleges and universities, as they prepare to welcome students for the coming academic year…

  • For children in foster care or waiting for adoption…

  • For those facing a recent diagnosis of disease, cancer, or other health-related challenges…

  • For those facing eviction or struggling financially, with job loss, underemployment, or….

  • For couples entering into the covenant of marriage…

  • For peace in areas of war or conflict, especially in Ukraine, Libya, Syria, and Palestine…

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'God’s Work. Our Hands.' Sunday: Join the Movement for Disaster Response

Lutheran Disaster Response reminds us to mark our calendars for "God's Work. Our Hands." Sunday on September 10, 2023, as we celebrate a decade of community service. Engage in activities ranging from assembling preparedness kits to advocating for disaster relief policies. Join hands with your congregation and community to foster resilience, compassion, and love. Find out how to participate in this inspiring day of action at

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Stewardship Webinar: "Stewardship When Economics Are Uncertain"

Navigating stewardship amidst uncertain economic times can be challenging. Join us on Aug. 21, 2023, 4pm PDT/MST, 5pm MDT, for a webinar, "Stewardship When Economics Are Uncertain", hosted by ELCA and the Lake Institute. Led by the Rev. Meredith McNabb and the Rev. Tim Brown, this session aims to inspire open and honest conversations about stewardship and generosity. Zoom Link here on the day of the webinar.

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