'God’s Work. Our Hands.' Sunday: Join the Movement for Disaster Response

Lutheran Disaster Response reminds us to mark our calendars for "God's Work. Our Hands." Sunday on September 10, 2023, as we celebrate a decade of community service. Engage in activities ranging from assembling preparedness kits to advocating for disaster relief policies. Join hands with your congregation and community to foster resilience, compassion, and love. Find out how to participate in this inspiring day of action at ELCA.org.

This year marks the tenth anniversary of “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday (GWOH Sunday) on September 10, 2023, a day of profound community service, connection, and resilience. GWOH Sunday is more than just a date on the calendar; it's an embodiment of faith in action, where congregations come together to serve their communities, especially in disaster response and preparedness.

Whether it's assembling preparedness kits filled with essential items, identifying potential disasters in your area, volunteering with local organizations, advocating for policy improvements, forming vital partnerships, or giving generously to Lutheran Disaster Response, this day provides countless opportunities to make a real difference.

Take part in this empowering initiative and embrace the spirit of compassion, unity, and service.