Posts in ELCA
For What Shall We Pray? 4/11/2023
  • For peace in Ukraine, Palestine, Israel, and Yemen…

  • For victims of gun violence, especially those who died in recent shootings in Nashville and Louisville…

  • For legislative bodies to summon the courage to enact meaningful gun safety laws…

  • For vulnerable families and adults who are losing their Medicaid and SNAP benefits…

  • For coastal communities threatened by rising sea levels…

  • For all facing the effects of natural disasters, including the volcano eruption and earthquake in eastern Russia…

  • For victims and those grieving following military airstrikes in Myanmar…

  • For all migrants, and especially for rescue operations of two migrant boats in the Mediterranean Sea…

  • For the work of Lutherans Caring for Creation, and for all organizations that advocate for sustainable practices…

  • For Muslims, Jews, Christians, and Orthodox Christians in the midst of holy observances…

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Faith Lens: Peace to All

Our current news cycle is full of debates around the validity and protections of the LGBTQ+ community, particularly our transgender siblings. While no one’s lives and identities should be used for political fodder, we many shape these conversations around demonizing trans folks, and more specifically weaponizing what God thinks about the diversity God has created.

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ELCA Farm Bill Listening Sessions

ELCA Advocacy is hosting three listening sessions regarding the upcoming Farm Bill. Congress is preparing to reauthorize the bill in 2023. Each reauthorization provides an opportunity to improve or expand programs that ensure access to fresh and healthy food while addressing root causes of hunger.

The Mountain Time Zone focus is Tuesday, 4/25/2023, 5pm MST/PDT, 6pm MDT. Register at

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For What Shall We Pray? 4/4/2023
  • For the millions of people suffering from hunger and famine, especially in Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen and South Sudan…

  • For the joy of the resurrection to bring hope to those to whom death draws near…

  • For support and care for transgender people, amidst ongoing legislative actions…

  • For protesters and politicians in Nashville, TN…

  • For journalists and politicians imprisoned for seeking truth…

  • That the needs of the poor would be held in mind in our state and national legislatures…

  • For recent elections and their ramifications…

  • For peace in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel…

  • For victims of severe storms in the US Midwest and South…

  • For victims of the avalanche in northeastern India…

  • For victims of the train derailment in the Netherlands…

  • For ongoing recovery efforts in Tukey and Syria…

  • For courage among Christians to boldly proclaim love, justice, and resurrection hope…

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Bishop Eaton: Let's observe Holy Week

We’ve entered Holy Week, and Bishop Eaton hopes and prays that we will not skip from the hosannas of Palm Sunday right to the hallelujahs of Easter Sunday. It’s important, as we travel through this week, to see not only incredible sacrifice and love that God has shown us in Jesus Christ, but all of the human condition that comes out during this week.

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Theme Deep Dive | 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

In the summer of 2024, young people and their adult leaders will gather in New Orleans for a week of faith formation, learning, worship and fellowship under the theme “Created to Be.” Our theme deep dive video gives you a glimpse of how the theme was created and why we feel like it so perfectly connects to our host city, New Orleans. To learn more about the 2024 Gathering, visit and watch the video in this post.

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Rostered Ministers Gathering: Early-bird rate extended to April 21, 2023

Thank you, to those of you who have already registered! For those who haven’t, you can still register and receive the early-bird rate of $245 through April 21, 2023. You will need to book hotel and travel separately. Highlights of the gathering, and more information are available at

If you like to welcome people, help with registration, or have the gift of hospitality, please connect with Pastor Doug Dill: or 402-235-6969. Click here to register as a volunteer at

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Bishop Eaton: Who is my neighbor? | Transgender Day of Visibility 2023

The Great Commandment calls us to love our neighbor as ourself, and God teaches us to honor every person’s dignity. On Transgender Day of Visibility, Bishop Eaton affirms that transgender and nonbinary siblings are children of God, created in God’s image, who are embraced in God’s unconditional love. We stand together, advocating for the full humanity and dignity of all people.

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For What Shall We Pray? 3/28/2023
  • For the students and staff at Covenant School in Nashville, and for all who are grieving, traumatized, and fearful…

  • For open-heartedness, courage, and humility in conversations about gun violence and meaningful change in our society…

  • For families and friends of those who died in the immigration center fire in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico…

  • For earthquakes and severe weather in California…

  • For cleanup efforts following a chemical spill in the Delaware River…

  • For all those recovering from the devastating tornado in western Mississippi and Alabama…

  • For the people of Israel in the midst of political turmoil…

  • For peace in Ukraine and de-escalation of nuclear threats…

  • For Muslim siblings observing Ramadan, Jewish siblings preparing for Passover, and Christians who prepare to enter Holy Week…

  • For LBGTQIA+ siblings, especially children and youth, amidst restrictive legislative actions in state legislatures across the United States…

  • In lament over acts of discrimination, hatred, and oppression done in the name of Christ…

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the tAble | 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering

The tAble is a pre-event to the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans for youth living with a wide range of physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities. The Rev. Jonathan Vehar (he/him), the director of the tAble, shares an invitation to be a part of this faith formation event. To learn more about the 2024 Gathering, visit and watch the video in this post.

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Angela T. !Khabeb: Home sweet home

I’ve always wanted to be a pastor. When I was 15 years old and visited a classmate’s church, I saw with my own eyes that a grown-up girl could be a pastor. The church had me at “hello.”

My parents, on the other hand, were not so inclined. I remember my father telling me, “The best way to help poor people is to not become one of them. Be an attorney. Make some money.”

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