Posts in Bishop Hutterer
Bishop Hutterer: Thank you for the many blessings of 2022!

Before you review our year-end newsletter, I want to express my deep gratitude for all you have done through your actions and ministries to make our synod and our world a better place. As you scroll through each month’s highlights, I hope you’ll vividly see all the ways we are Church Together.

I also want to thank all of you for your generous giving and support to our synod through your benevolence dollars, half of which goes to our ELCA Churchwide organization. In your name, the three expressions of the ELCA acts around the world, as well as in your local ministries. Your generosity has allowed us to continue the important work of communicating Jesus, connecting people, and creating possibilities.

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Christmas Season Greetings from the Office of the Bishop

In this Christmas season, we extend our warmest wishes and blessings to you and your loved ones. May this special season be filled with joy, love, and peace as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

We are grateful for the gift of your presence in our synod, and for the ways in which you accompany us in our shared ministries. May the love and grace of Christ continue to guide and inspire you in the year ahead.

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Bishop Hutterer: The liminal season

We are in the midst of Advent, our season of waiting. In our church calendar of birth, death, and resurrection, we are entering a new year. We are waiting for prophecies to be fulfilled in the form of a lowly birth. In our secular calendar, our norms are interrupted by the holidays, friends, families, and year-end projects. We are waiting for the New Year, hoping for better. And we are a people who do not like waiting.

There is a concept that describes these in-between times and places, called a liminal space.

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Bishop Hutterer: The jar that will not empty

In our synod, we are blessed with an abundance of ministries that focus on hunger. From the advocacy work of LAMA and LEAN to the many food banks and outreach efforts of many of our ministries, we are a synod that works in many ways to end food insecurity.

During this Thanksgiving, as we are grateful for the bounties we share, I hope you find time to listen to the ways God calls you to be both the giver and receiver of bread and faith.

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Alleluia Lutheran Church Service of Holy Closure

A Service of Holy Closure led by Bishop Hutterer will be held Saturday 11/12/2022, 4 pm for Alleluia Lutheran Church, 8444 W. Encanto Blvd, Phoenix AZ 85037.

There will be a meal and fellowship followed by a service of Celebration. There will be special guest speakers, Festival Choir selections, memories and stories to share.

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Ordination and Installation of Verónica Alvarez at Faith/La Fe in Phoenix

The Ordination and Installation of Verónica Alvarez as Associate Pastor of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church/ Iglesia Evangélica Luterana La Fe (801 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85014) will take place on Reformation Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 4pm with a reception following. Bishop Deborah Hutterer will preach and preside.

Alvarez is the first Grand Canyon Synod Diakonia graduate to be ordained. She graduated in May, 2022 from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.

Rostered ministers are invited to vest and be part of a procession. The color of the day will be red. Rostered ministers can send RSVPs to for further instruction around arrival time and where to meet.

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