The Office of the Bishop does year-end work, takes vacation time, and enjoys the Christmas season.
Read MoreThe Grand Canyon Synod continues to build relationship with the Mexican Lutheran Church (Iglesia Luterana Mexicana, ILM). Bishop Hutterer recently joined Bishop Daniel Beaudoin of the Northwest Ohio Synod and President Roberto Trejo Haager for a “get to know you” tour to discuss ways we can journey with ILM.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop does year-end work, takes some vacation time, and enjoys the Advent and Christmas season. We share photos from the Bishop’s visit to La Casa de Misericordia as well as gathered with Region 2 Bishops.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop works to wrap up our calendar year and find time for the quiet waiting of Advent. We also share photos from the installation of Rev. Craig Larson at Desert Hills Lutheran in Green Valley and the Bishop’s visit to Beautiful Savior in Tucson.
Read MoreWe are in the midst of Advent, our season of waiting. In our church calendar of birth, death, and resurrection, we are entering a new year. We are waiting for prophecies to be fulfilled in the form of a lowly birth. In our secular calendar, our norms are interrupted by the holidays, friends, families, and year-end projects. We are waiting for the New Year, hoping for better. And we are a people who do not like waiting.
There is a concept that describes these in-between times and places, called a liminal space.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop gathers for a ½ day working retreat with full time Office of the Bishop staff, and enters the season of Advent with a sense of adventure. We also share photos from the Bishop’s visit to Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Lake Havasu City.
Read MoreIn our synod, we are blessed with an abundance of ministries that focus on hunger. From the advocacy work of LAMA and LEAN to the many food banks and outreach efforts of many of our ministries, we are a synod that works in many ways to end food insecurity.
During this Thanksgiving, as we are grateful for the bounties we share, I hope you find time to listen to the ways God calls you to be both the giver and receiver of bread and faith.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop rests, gathers with loved ones, and makes time for the Holy Spirit this week. We thank you for being Church Together!
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop travels and preaches, including a visit to Guadalajara by Bishop Hutterer to visit the Mexican Lutheran Church.
Read MoreThis morning we received reports of impostor emails from the Bishop with the subject “MANY BLESSINGS.” Ignore them, or take the time to the the spam button and report them.
If you’re ever suspicious of an email, check for “” in the email address, and contact us directly with concerns. Learn more in this post.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop continues to travel and preach, and prep for 2023. We share photos from the LAMA Summit 2022 featuring Rev. Eugene Cho, Bread for the World.
Read MoreA Service of Holy Closure led by Bishop Hutterer will be held Saturday 11/12/2022, 4 pm for Alleluia Lutheran Church, 8444 W. Encanto Blvd, Phoenix AZ 85037.
There will be a meal and fellowship followed by a service of Celebration. There will be special guest speakers, Festival Choir selections, memories and stories to share.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop continues to travel and preach. We share photos from the Ordination and Installation of Verónica Alvarez at Faith/La Fe in Phoenix.
Read MoreOur synod is blessed with a rich tapestry of people, land, and history. How do we move forward as church together, honoring and including so many cultures?
This is what we set out to explore at our latest retreat of the synod council, conference deans, and Office of the Bishop staff.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop will be traveling and preaching in the coming week, and attending the Ordination and Installation of Verónica Alvarez at Faith/La Fe in Phoenix. We share photos from the Installation of Pastor Jason Adams at Good Samaritan, The Lakes, in Las Vegas.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop staff travels for meetings and worship, and facilitates upcoming grants. We also share photos from the Bishop’s Fall Gathering at the Franciscan Renewal Center.
Read MoreThe Ordination and Installation of Verónica Alvarez as Associate Pastor of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church/ Iglesia Evangélica Luterana La Fe (801 E. Camelback Rd., Phoenix, AZ 85014) will take place on Reformation Sunday, October 30, 2022 at 4pm with a reception following. Bishop Deborah Hutterer will preach and preside.
Alvarez is the first Grand Canyon Synod Diakonia graduate to be ordained. She graduated in May, 2022 from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary.
Rostered ministers are invited to vest and be part of a procession. The color of the day will be red. Rostered ministers can send RSVPs to for further instruction around arrival time and where to meet.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop focuses on the Bishop’s Fall Gathering at the Franciscan Renewal Center this week. We also share photos from the Installation of Rev. Jonathan Linman and other events.
Read MorePastor Jason Adams will be installed at Good Samaritan, The Lakes Lutheran Church (8200 W. Sahara, Las Vegas NV 89117), on Friday, 10/21/2022, at 5 pm, with a reception to follow.
Bishop Hutterer will preach. Rostered ministers are invited to process. The color of the day is green.
Read MoreThe Office of the Bishop is on the road again, and maintains our existing programs and day-to-day functions.
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