Posts in Bishop Hutterer
Bishop Hutterer Annual Report: June, 2022

Stirred up in the Spirit, the theme of the 2022 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, draws on the common work we do as Synod.

In a world where we can easily provoke each other in unhelpful and even harmful ways, this assembly focuses on the ways we get to provoke each other in good and Spirited ways. We challenge each other to recognize that we are called to be public witnesses of God’s love and hope in the world. I pray this assembly renews our enthusiasm and confidence to provoke actions of love and good deeds.

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ELCA Bishops Write to Congress about Augusta Victoria Hospital Funding

On May 18, 2022, ELCA Presiding Bishop Eaton and 44 ELCA synod bishops, including Bishop Hutterer, wrote to Congress about their concerns related to the funding of Augusta Victoria Hospital. Read the full letter here: ELCA Bishops’ letter to Congress concerning US funding for Augusta Victoria Hospital.

Ask your Members of Congress to restore funding for Augusta Victoria Hospital and the other East Jerusalem hospitals (This form will give you a sample letter you can personalize and send).

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Bishop Hutterer: Good Courage

In my life, the amount of hope I find Easter morning has always been related to the depth of the Lenten journey before. The glorious Sunday morn is not possible without the nights of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Two Easters ago, the reality of the pandemic truly hit the church. And if you look at Lent through the lens of giving something up, it can feel as if we’ve had two years of Lenten fasting from normalcy.

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Bishop Hutterer: Holy Ground

As I approach the end of my Lenten journey, I see the Grand Canyon Synod has many places of holy ground. I have experienced holy ground when in conversation with candidates hoping to enter seminary and with candidates near graduation, waiting to interview with a congregation.

I am on holy ground when I visit our various congregations to preach, preside, meet church leaders, and participate in conversations in special congregation meetings.

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Grand Canyon Synod Holy Land Trip reservations almost full

There are a handful of spots remaining for the Grand Canyon Synod Holy Land Trip, led by Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer and Rev. Mark Holman.: January 2-11, 2023. View information on the trip here and view a PDF here.

The trip also includes an optional 3-days post-tour excursion to Jordan, January 11-14, 2023. A waiting list will be available for those who try to reserve after the trip’s limit is reached.

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Office of the Bishop Updates: 3/25/2022

As part of Synod on the Move, Bishop Hutterer, Rev. Jacqui Pagel, and Rev. Pat Reed journey to southern Arizona this weekend for a variety of events, including the Installation of Rev. Michael Sager at Desert Hills Lutheran in Green Valley, gathering with active pastors and deacons and Hotel Congress, conversations with retired rostered ministers at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, as well as preaching at Santa Cruz, Abounding Grace, Mt. Zion, and attending other meetings.

We also share photos from Bishop Hutterer’s visits last week to Mount of Olives in Phoenix and Casa De La Misericordia y de Todas las Naciones (House of Mercy and of All Nations) in Nogales, a service of Cruzando Fronteras.

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Southern Arizona area retired rostered ministers coffee

Southern Arizona area retired pastors and deacons are cordially invited for coffee, donuts, and conversation with Bishop Deborah Hutterer on Saturday, March 26, 2022 from 10:30am to noon MDT at Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church, 1200 N Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ 85719.

Please RSVP to Theresa Thornburgh ( if you plan to attend. The Bishop is very much looking forward to meeting with you!

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