Welcome Deacon Katie Kline as our new Interim Director of Congregation Transitions

The Grand Canyon Synod is delighted to announce Deacon Katie Kline as our new Interim Director of Congregation Transitions, starting January 2024.

We also extend our heartfelt gratitude to Deacon Janice Zimbelman and Rachel Line for their dedicated service. Deacon Janice Zimbelman will be retiring from this half-time position that is shared with the Rocky Mountain Synod as Deacon Katie Kline takes up this work in an interim capacity.

Deacon Janice has provided a thoughtful and innovative spirit to this critical ministry that includes overseeing eight transition coaches, working with interim pastors and discerning with rostered ministers seeking a new call—not to mention navigating the peculiarities of two bishops!

Rachel Line's administrative skills ensured a seamless transition process. Those responsibilities will now be taken up by Deacon Katie, whose gifts and experience we welcome in her role as Interim Director.. Their contributions have been invaluable, and while they will be greatly missed, their impact on the Grand Canyon Synod will continue to be felt.

Please join us in warmly welcoming Deacon Katie Kline and in expressing our sincere thanks to Deacon Zimbelman and Rachel Line for their outstanding work and commitment.