We pray for All Saints Lutheran, Phoenix

We uplift in prayer All Saints Lutheran Church in Phoenix as they bring people the good news of God’s love in Jesus Christ. We pray for the congregation and leadership and staff: Pastor Dan Hoeger; Director of Worship and Music  Jerry Gunderson; Director of Children and Youth Education Joe Schwartz; Website Administrator Tammy Follensbee; Pastor for Intergenerational Ministry Kristin Rice; Director of Senior Ministries Maritta Fink; Director of Children’s Music Betty Erickson; Grief Support, Carole Becker; Parish Administrator Shari Clark; Publications Administrator Christy Wirsig; Worship and Adult Education Coordinator Donald Wade. We pray for their church council: Jerry Hugo, Council President; Ben Blixt, Vice President; Karen Rasmussen, Treasurer; Nance Wabshaw, Secretary; Courtney Krueger, Recording Secretary; Kristin Boorse, Dave Cech, Lenore Little , Jon Nelson, Bob Richardson, and Johnny Edwards, Youth Representative.
