We believe in the Holy Spirit: A global conversation on being Lutheran

From 2019-2022, the Lutheran World Federation is engaged in a global study of contemporary Lutheran identities as they are lived in local church contexts. Between now and June you are invited to take part in a larger conversation that will transpire across the LWF communion.

The Lutheran World Federation has produced a discussion guide titled We Believe in the Holy Spirit: Welcome to a Global Conversation on Being Lutheran. This guide will help lead your congregation’s Christian education and/or youth group on a journey of mutual discovery and learning. View/download the guide.

The study process features dynamic theological reflection and creative opportunities for participation. The aim is to listen for ways that we sound the common notes of Lutheran identity among the rich harmony of lived, contextual identities across our communion. Participants of the consultation developed these discussion questions to explore the way baptism, belief and practices shape the ways Lutherans live out our tradition in diverse contexts.

You are fundamental to this process! This conversation is open to the communion. We encourage broad participation. This discussion guide is a tool to facilitate conversations at the national and local level: national churches, dioceses, deaneries or districts, in theological institutions, among parish councils, congregations, youth groups, Christian education classes, or for individual reflection.

Congregations or communities of practice are encouraged to host an event or a series of conversations in small groups to discuss the questions. Feedback can be collated on this form. Groups may choose to reflect on all of the questions, or they may wish to focus on some questions from each of the categories.

Written responses can be recorded in the text boxes provided. Congregations or groups may submit collated responses to their national church or regional judicatory, or return them to the email below, clearly indicating their church affiliation. Individuals can also participate and submit their own responses. Written responses can be emailed to BeingLutheran@lutheranworld.org.

Alternatively, participants may wish to submit creative expressions that are inspired by these questions. We welcome art, music, or videos dramatizing what it means to be Lutheran. You may submit videos, images, art, or documents to BeingLutheran@lutheranworld.org.

Your responses are significant! Submissions will be received through 1 July, 2021. The information gathered is one way for us to experience our unity and diversity as a communion. The survey is anonymous, in the sense that respondents will not be identified when publishing the results. We request demographic information in order to identify regional trends. Analysis will be published and shared with member churches and participants. Thank you for taking the time to participate.
