Office of the Bishop Updates: 3/18/2022
Bishop Hutterer and Pastor Jacqui Pagel will attend Faith Formation In A Secular Age, the Luther Seminary event at Living Water with Dr. Andy Root. As usual, staff travels around the synod to preach and visit.
At our in-office staff retreat on Wednesday, we were visited by Rev. Lisa Kipp, who updated us on the latest relief efforts by Lutheran World Relief.
Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer
Faith Formation In A Secular Age: Luther Seminary event at Living Water with Dr. Andy Root
Visits to congregation and pastors in the West Valley and Fiesta Conference
Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta
Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality
Preach at Dove of Peace
Diverse and Emerging Ministries Sustainability
Northeast Valley Consortium
Rev. Jacqueline Pagel
Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy and Faith Formation
Faith Formation In A Secular Age: Luther Seminary event at Living Water with Dr. Andy Root
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Building foundations luncheon
The University of Arizona Lutheran Campus Ministry board meeting
Theresa Thornburgh
Director for Administration and Events
Preparations for Synod Assembly and other events
Growing Generosity Team Meeting
Administrative functions of the Synod office
Brian Flatgard
Director of Communication
Weekly newsletter
Growing Generosity appeal news
Implement planning and ideas from staff retreat
Amy Birchard
Finance Administrator
Bank reconciliation
Preparation for the Audit
Answering questions related to finance as needed
Dr. Jerry Kingston
Special Bishop’s Associate for Mobility
Researching RMPs and MSPs for the Synod
Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Lutheran World Relief’s Rev. Lisa Kipp, Rev. Jacqueline Pagel, and Bishop Deborah Hutterer.
Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta, Lutheran World Relief’s Rev. Lisa Kipp, Rev. Jacqueline Pagel, Bishop Deborah Hutterer, and Brian Flatgard.