Office of the Bishop Updates: 11/25/2021
“And now we thank you, our God, and praise your glorious name.”
With prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving for all who share in our ministry together throughout the Grand Canyon Synod.
—Bishop Deborah Hutterer and the Office of the Bishop staff
Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer
Thanksgiving break
Meeting with the Cactus Conference
Visit The Station Coffee Company, Florence with Pastor Charles Newman
Rev. Miguel Gomez-Acosta
Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM) and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality
Cactus Conference meeting
Latino Lutheran Dialogue with the ECLCB
Coaching continuing education
Rev. Jacqueline Pagel
Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy and Faith Formation
Preach at New Journey, Fountain Hills
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest Philanthropy meeting
Simon’s Project video planning
Ms. Theresa Thornburgh
Director for Administration and Events
Constitution Webinar
Growing Generosity Appeal Leadership Team meeting
Year-end bookkeeping procedures and other administrative tasks
Mr. Brian Flatgard
Director of Communication
Ordained leader directory
News and updates
Synod council report
Mr. Clint Wasser
Director for Finance
Prepare monthly financial statements
Continue working on accounting manual
Provide financial/accounting information and analysis as requested
Dr. Jerry Kingston
Special Bishop’s Associate for Mobility
Researching RMPs and MSPs for the Synod