Understanding End-of-Life Care: A Compassionate Guide to Palliative vs. Hospice

Navigating the delicate decision-making process at the end of life can be challenging for patients, families, and healthcare professionals alike. Understanding the differences between palliative care and hospice is crucial in making informed choices that align with a patient's values and medical needs. To illuminate this important topic, the National Hospice and Palliative Care Association’s Vice President of Palliative and Advanced Care, Rory Farrand, MA, MS, MSN, APRN-BC, will be presenting a webinar titled "Navigating the Compassionate Crossroads: Palliative Care vs. Hospice." View a PDF with info and registration here.

The webinar, sponsored by the Lutheran Faith Community Nurse Association (LFCNA), is geared primarily towards Parish/Faith Community Nurses but promises to be an enlightening experience for a broader audience, including other ministry members and the general public. Attendees will gain clarity on both the commonalities and distinctions between these two types of care, debunk prevalent myths, understand eligibility criteria, and learn about reimbursement regulations and communication best practices for serious illness.

Set for May 9, 2024, at 4 pm MST/PDT, 5 pm MDT, the webinar carries a registration fee of $30 for LFCNA members and $50 for non-members, offering 2.0 nursing contact hours approved by the Montana Nurses Association. Interested individuals can register for the event by following the provided link: https://lutheranfcna.org/event-5658933.

Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your understanding of end-of-life care options and enhance your communication skills with patients navigating serious illnesses.