The True Meaning of Lent: A Reality Check for Pastors

In this Pivot Podcast, Blair Pogue shares a Lenten reflection for church leaders.

What is the true meaning of the Lenten season for today’s church leaders? In this reflective episode, the Rev. Blair Pogue explores how traditional Lenten practices can help ministry leaders navigate extreme polarization, institutional suspicion, and personal burnout. Discover how remembering your baptismal identity and spending time in Jesus’ loving presence can transform your leadership approach from anxious fixing to faithful discernment.

The Lenten season meaning goes beyond giving things up—it’s about returning to the core of our faith. Through beautiful reflections on the R.S. Thomas poem “The Bright Field” and the story of Moses at the burning bush, this episode invites leaders to turn aside to discover the “pearl of great price” that awaits in God’s presence. Learn practical spiritual practices that will help you become “a watered garden, a repair of the breach, a restorer of streets to live in” during this sacred season.