Thanks to all who made our 2021 Assembly possible

In this post we try to thank the many people who made our first online assembly possible. We apologize for anyone we’ve neglected. It’s a blessing to have so many who volunteer their time and energy that we can barely count them. We are synod together.

We start by thanking all the voting members who took the time to participate, not only on the Saturday of our assembly, but by attending our tech training sessions and informing themselves on the business of our synod. Your leadership is greatly appreciated.

Rev. Albert Starr

We are grateful for the many contributions of our visiting Churchwide representative, Rev. Albert Starr, whose role with the ELCA is Director of Multi-Ethnic Ministry Development. In addition to his report, Rev. Starr provided a bible study and the sermon to our worship service.

Those who provided order

Our agenda, elections, and assembly process were guided by leaders who enthusiastically adapted the arcane procedures of our constitution and Robert’s Rules of Order to an online assembly.

  • Paul Gryniewicz, your Synod vice president and chair of the Synod Council;

  • Rev. David Brandfass, secretary of the synod;

  • Mr. Erik Rehms, treasurer and chair of credentials and elections;

  • Rev. Stephen Springer who served as the parliamentarian for this assembly.

Our nominating committee included Roger Bailey, Paul Gryniewicz, the Rev. Tina Mills, and Glenn Austad.

Community Lutheran Church of Las Vegas

We are so fortunate to have as our assembly host a congregation who is well equipped with leaders, personnel, and technology for delivering a top-notch online experience.

  • Pastor Ben Bergren and Pastor Brian Ward

  • Bruce Ewing, Worship Leader and Choir Director

  • Philip Fortenberry, Organist and Director of Instrumental Music

  • The many musicians who contributed to our worship

  • Tech Director Eric Papronty, as well as the tech team of Cole, Jason, and more

  • The accommodating staff who was always there for us

Assembly participants

We had many guest appearances via video and Zoom.

  • Pastor Don Lorfing

  • Pastor Robert Trejo Haggar

  • Pastor Miguel Gomez-Acosta

  • Pastor Jacqueline Pagel

  • Pastor Karn Carroll

Prayer team

Our team of praying folks were on standby to pray during breaks and moments when the Holy Spirit was needed.

  • Lourdes Olson

  • Pastor John Biggs

  • Pastor Jason Adams

  • Pastor Phil Shuart

  • Hannah Manzanares

  • Pastor Jeremy Nausin

  • Shannon Anwar

Help desk team

Our help desk team fielded phone calls and emails during the entire assembly.

  • Solveig Muus - Coordinator

  • Stephanie Petrilli

  • Pr. Brian Weinberger

  • Jeff Schultz

  • Dave Hulin

  • Erik Anderson

Gift box

Many hands contributed to sending a gift box sent to our voting members.

  • The youth of Senegal who created the beautiful fabric bags 

  • Jerry and Gayle Kingston

  • Pastor Pat Reed

  • Larysa Pagel (Pr. Jacqui’s daughter)

  • Hannah Manzanares and

  • Laura Musfeldt and Jeff Musfeldt

  • Karen Olson

  • Judy Campbell

  • Douglas and Daniel Thornburgh

  • The crew from Phly:

    • Casey Goslin,

    • Erik Andersen

    • Elizabeth Isreal

    • Zoey and Kaleb Goslin
