Rostered ministers invited to participate in PRRI survey on U.S. religious leadership

Rev. Louise Johnson, Executive for Administration with the ELCA, invites rostered ministers to participate in a survey being conducted by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and the Duke Endowment. The survey, open through November 2022, is part of a major national study on the health and future flourishing of mainline Protestant clergy and churches.

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to invite you to participate in a survey being conducted by Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and the Duke Endowment. The survey is part of a major national study on the health and future flourishing of mainline Protestant clergy and churches.

PRRI conducted a similar survey of mainline Protestant denominations about a decade ago and recently completed the congregational portion. The current study seeks to understand attitudes and experiences across a wide swath of American religious leadership. Because this survey is designed for a broad cross section of viewpoints, not all the questions may be relevant to your experiences or perspectives. Some questions may even describe controversial views that do not necessarily align with either your views or positions taken by the governing bodies of the ELCA. Please answer the questions from your context and experience. If a question is not relevant or applicable to you, please skip it. TAKE SURVEY

Your participation in the survey is important and valued. We can all gain a more complete picture of religious life in America if the ELCA's data is included with that of other Protestant denominations. Please note that the survey is available in English and Spanish. All responses will be anonymous; you will not be identified in any way. PRRI will publish the results of this study in early 2023.

The survey will remain open for the month of November.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Dr. Natalie Jackson, Director of Research at PRRI (

Blessings on your ministry,

Rev. Louise Johnson
Executive for Administration
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

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