Rev. Miguel F. Gomez-Acosta, Director for Evangelical Mission 2021 update

2021 Assembly Reports: View reports for our 2021 assembly on our assembly report page and in this collection of blog posts.


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Grace and peace to you from our risen savior Jesus Christ! Amen.

I think we all can agree that since our last Synod Assembly two years ago, the world has turned upside down. Things looked promising back in the summer of 2019 as we planned for programs like The Generosity Project and growing new ministries among youth and young adults. In early 2020 a team attended a training from Luther Seminary called Faithful Innovations to help teach congregations to be curious about how the Spirit of God was active in their communities. We had big plans and dreams! And then in March of 2020 everything came to a screeching halt. These were anxious times- but we adapted, and we have flourished in our generosity and innovation.


The congregations of the Grand Canyon Synod were so faithful and generous during the pandemic that we ended the fiscal year 2020-21 with 16% over our budgeted giving. When we did a special appeal to match $10,000 to provide hunger grants for our hardest-hit communities in April of 2020, our congregations exceeded the original goal and raised $22,000! These are just two examples of the amazing generosity of our congregations. Thank you all for your generous hearts!

As I reflect on these examples, I cannot help but wonder if some of the seeds that we began planting through our stewardship education made an impact. In 2019 we started The Generosity Project, and even though did not fully roll out like we envisioned, four of our congregations took advantage of the multigenerational approach to stewardship. In 2020 the first cohort of five congregations started Stewardship for All Seasons, one of the programs made possible by the Lilly 3E grant that we received in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Synod from the Lilly Endowment, and 12 congregations participated in Beginning a Culture of Generosity. Both programs focus on a year-round approach to stewardship through messaging, storytelling, and donor follow-up. 

I would like to thank the Stewardship Team for their tireless efforts to bring stewardship education to our Synod. During this time of pandemic, they have also served as a resource for our congregations by providing presentations on “How to Tell a Story,” “Building an Effective Stewardship Team,” and the Generosity Film Festival.  


The pandemic forced all of us to think differently about how we “do” church. But even before the pandemic the wheels of innovation were already turning. In 2019 some of our congregations began to recognize the importance of being church together and collaborating in ministry. Phoenix area congregations started PhLY (Phoenix Lutheran Youth) Ministry to provide collaborative youth ministry opportunities for smaller congregations. In 2020, Lord of Life partnered with Celebration to accompany them through their synodical administration. Alleluia and Christ Evangelical explored how Christ Evangelical could support Alleluia in pastoral care, which led to a partnership through a pastoral intern from Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary at the beginning of 2021. Four congregations in the Northeast Valley Conference began conversation about collaboration, which led to the Northeast Valley Consortium. Today the Northeast Valley Consortium meets every month to share ideas and resources in the areas of Communication, Discipleship, and Spiritual Care.

Innovation has also been seen in the new ways congregations have maintained community even during physical distancing. The pandemic has reminded us of the importance of online worship and communities. Congregations have had to learn how to navigate and maximize their social media presence. Thanks to Pr. Charles Newman (Lead Pastor of Crossroads) and Melanie Moscicki (Member of Crossroads and owner of we were able to provide a presentation specifically on the topic of Maximizing Social Media for your Congregation. 

One of our congregations took the task of innovation to a new level. Living Christ in Flagstaff, after trying to do “traditional” church for over 30 years, voted in October of 2020 to sell their property because they noticed that their online worship was reaching more people.  Most of those engaged in the online community are young people from the LGBTQ+, which had been a target audience for Living Christ for years. They plan to partner with a local LGBTQ+ advocacy group for office and worship spaces.

Living Christ is not the only congregation thinking outside the box. When the New and Renewing Team received nine applications for the Lilly 3E Vital Right Shaped Ministries Vitality and Innovation Grants, we were amazed at the creative ways congregations were thinking of being church. Shepherd of the Hills in Flagstaff wanted to engage their neighbors through thoughtful conversations on race issues.  Lord of Grace wanted to reach their community through CPR training. Our Savior’s in Phoenix wants to expand outreach by opening their facility so that any nonprofit group could use it free of charge. Though not all the grants were able to be funded, it was good to see how our congregations were open to letting the Spirit of God lead their creativity.

I would like to thank the New and Renewing Team for their hard work and dedication during these last two years and as we continue to find new ways to do mission and grow congregational vitality. 


Though COVID-19 impacted the whole world, it did not stop the mission of God. Your generosity helped our Grand Canyon Synod continue the good work of being a resource and a convener. COVID-19 forced us to be innovative about how we do church. The upcoming year we look forward to growing in these two areas. In 2021, we already have eight congregations that have signed up for the second cohort of Stewardship for All Seasons. The Stewardship Team looks forward to upcoming presentations on Electronic Giving and Estate Planning. The New and Renewing Team looks forward to witnessing God’s work through the ministries that received Vital Right Shaped Ministries Vitality and Innovation Grants and bringing new ideas to the greater church. 

These will only be possible through your generosity of mission support and your response to the Growing Generosity appeal. We look forward to an amazing year as we continue to Communicate Jesus, Connect People, and Create Possibilities. Thank you and blessings.

Respectfully submitted,

—Rev. Miguel F. Gomez-Acosta
Director for Evangelical Mission and Bishop’s Associate for Congregational Vitality