Remembering the Children: Feast of the Holy Innocents

In July of 2021, the American Indian/Alaska Native Lutheran Association (AIANLA) asked the whole ELCA to remember and lament the children who died in Indian boarding schools in the United States and residential schools in Canada. As the church observes the Feast of the Holy Innocents*, the Saint Paul Area Synod, the Minneapolis Area Synod, and the Advocates for Racial Equity offer this service of prayer and lament (on Vimeo) for use by individuals and congregations. 

We encourage further learning and activism in support of reparative justice for the violence perpetrated in the name of colonialism and the Christian faith. Be sure to explore resources provided by organizations such as the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition ( and the AIANLA ( May these resources be a catalyst to future action for the sake of God's beloved children.

*The Feast of the Holy Innocents on Dec. 28 commemorates the massacre of young children in Bethlehem by King Herod in an attempt to kill the infant Jesus.