Region 2 Worship Service for the Second Sunday of Easter

An online worship service for the Second Sunday of Easter, April 11, 2021, is being prepared by the five synods of Region 2 for use in your congregations. The service is available in multiple formats below.

It is being offered in recognition of the faithful and tireless efforts of the pastors, musicians, and worship leaders who have been providing online worship through the season of Lent, Holy Week and Easter Sunday. We hope this will provide a much needed respite for these leaders. Pr. Shauna Hannon of PLTS will serve as the Preacher for this service. 

The Region 2 Service of the Word for the Second Sunday of Easter is ready for sharing with/through your congregation’s ministry the weekend of April 10th/11th. 

You can also find the worship service on YouTube or download via Dropbox.

Use the settings for the YouTube video to choose English or Spanish subtitles if desired.

These files and videos are embargoed until the weekend of April 10th/11th. Please do not share the videos or publish the material on your website, or on social media platforms, until then. 

We understand that some congregations are printing and delivering worship materials to people who do not have technological capabilities – if that is your practice, please do so, but in an effort for the whole synod to have a common worship experience, we do ask that you not release these publicly until next weekend.

We hope this worship service is a blessing to you, your staff and volunteers, and your people.

We wish to thank the congregations, pastors, musicians and staff members, and members of the congregations and ministries of our Region 2 for their assistance in providing this service. We especially wish to thank The Rev. Dr. Shauna Hannah for serving as our preacher for this service and Pr. John Bost of Holy Cross Lutheran in Livermore for his assistance in editing and producing the worship service, and Kathye Hamm for her work in publicizing and posting the service and its components for use in your congregation. 
