Prompts for Prayers of Intercession: December 12, 2021

Intercession prompts:

  • For all who lack warm shelter or adequate clothing…

  • For all impacted by inclement weather and severe winter storms…

  • For all experiencing loneliness or exacerbated grief this holiday season…

  • For the moments of joy and hope that illumine the shadows of our soul…

  • For victims of gun violence…

  • For rescue and recovery efforts following the eruption of Mount Semeru in Indonesia…

Other notable events and observances:

Human Rights Month (Month of December)
Lucy, Martyr (December 13th)
John of the Cross, Renewer of the Church (December 14th)

These prompts are provided for worship leaders as they prepare the prayers of intercession for weekly worship. The prompts are prepared by several leaders in the ELCA and reflect current world and national events. You are encouraged to adapt and add other concerns for your local context, including staying informed of events and concerns in your synod.

Additional topical prayers are found in Evangelical Lutheran Worship (pp. 72–87) and All Creation Sings (pp. 46–55), as well as in other resources provided in print and online at

Crafted intercessions for every Sunday and festival are provided in the Sundays and Seasons worship planning guide published in-print and online by Augsburg Fortress.

Prayer Ventures, a daily prayer resource, is a guide to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.