Over $160,000 in grants available from Grand Canyon Synod for 2020

Each year the Grand Canyon Synod offers grant funds for new and renewing ministries, and other ministry outreach projects. The grant application period for 2020 grants will open September 2, 2019. Full information is available at gcsynod.org/grants.

Funding for these grants is limited and comes from the gifts this synod has received from the bequests of individuals (Warner Trust Fund), congregations sharing a tithe of a bequest they have received, the sale of closed congregations, grant funds from the West Valley Lutheran Thrift Shop, and allocation of unrestricted gifts to the synod. 

Grant proposals that align with the Grand Canyon Synod Strategic Plan will be given preferential consideration.

  • Please note the deadline to submit applications of October 18, 2019.

  • Funding of approved applications begins February 1, 2020.

  • Questions about the grant process or applications should be directed to Theresa Thornburgh in the Office of the Bishop at office@gcsynod.org.

Thank you for your partnership and your commitment to ministry!