Origami cranes available to commemorate deaths during year of pandemic


Pastor Christine Stoxen, with Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chandler, writes to share that church’s commemoration of deaths during the pandemic using origami cranes made by member Ai Maruyama. Any congregation who would like origami cranes for commemoration can contact the church for more info.

Pastor Stoxen writes:

After more than a year, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Chandler returned to indoor worship on April 11, 2021. After experiencing 30 deaths in the congregation during that time, we wanted to remember those who had joined the church triumphant while we were apart.

Ai Maruyama made origami cranes and Karen Ewart hung these cranes in our sanctuary. They will remain during the Easter Season. These cranes represent “taking souls to heaven.” They are hung near the altar to remind us that when we gather around the table, we gather with all the saints on earth and the saints in heaven.

Ai has offered to make cranes for any congregation who would be interested in having them. Please contact Holy Trinity at 480-963-4127 and they will connect you with Ai.
