Office of the Bishop Updates: 8/25/2023

Traveling for work and vacation are on the staff schedule, as well as developing resources for synod leaders. We also share a photo from the Rostered Leaders of Color Cohort retreat.

Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer

  • Conversations with Arizona Judicatory bishops/leaders

  • Lutheran Church of the Foothills Lutheran worship, Tucson

  • Various meetings

Rev. Jacqueline Pagel
Bishop’s Associate for Candidacy and Faith Formation

  • Region 1 & 2 Authentic Diversity support group

  • GCS Preaching Cohort

  • Catch up

Rev. James Dew
Interim Director for Evangelical Mission (DEM)

  • Synod Staff Meeting

  • Continue to fill in at Lord of Grace, Tucson

Theresa Thornburgh
Director for Administration and Events

  • Vacation 8/28-9/1

  • Office closed September 4.

Brian Flatgard
Director of Communication

  • Creating Space for Open Conversations resources

  • Daily news posts and weekly newsletter

Rev. Dan Potaznick
Director of Generosity and Strategic Development

  • Working with GCS Stewardship Team members to offer resources to congregations as they expand the idea of what it means to be generous.

  • Visiting with pastors one on one to brainstorm how to communicate best with their community our shared mission of being church together.

  • Collaborating with Pastor Jacqui Pagel to offer First Call Theological Education around stewardship of resources as clergy.

Amy Birchard
Finance Administrator

  • Process end of month payroll, process Portico payment for August 2023 and continue working on our Investment Income/Gain allocations