Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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October Newsletter from Pastor Kristin Engstrom in Senegal

Hello dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

As I sit here sweating through the hot, humid, rainy season in Senegal, I keep seeing images of cooler days and falling leaves from the United States (or at least the northern US). I hope and pray that as you and your congregations come back from summer holidays, that the rhythm of church life brings much joy and life to you all.

To catch you up on the goings on here in my life as a missionary and with YAGM Senegal, my October 2019 Newsletter will give you a glimpse into some of the goings on - both sending the previous YAGM back to the US and welcoming a new group of YAGM to Senegal. You can also access (and share with others!) the Newsletter online at the YAGM Senegal blog or download as a PDF.

Over the summer, I also put together five videos showcasing God's Goodness here in Senegal, including one that looks back over the past three years of YAGM Senegal.  You can find all the videos on the YAGM Senegal blog.  

Each of the Senegal YAGM also send out bi-monthly Newsletters.  If you would like to be added to their e-mail lists, please let me know. You can also find updated photos as well as links to individual the 2019-2020 YAGM blogs at the YAGM Senegal blog

On est ensemble.  Nio farr (we are together.) 
—Pastor Kristin Engstrom