Nominations are open for assembly elected positions

Are you feeling called to be a leader in the Grand Canyon Synod? Do you know someone who could be a leader for change?

Our nominations page is the place to nominate yourself or someone else for leadership roles in synod council, synod committees, as well as voting members at our Churchwide Assembly in August, 2022.

Our 2021 Assembly will elect synod council members, committee members, and will also elect voting members to attend the Churchwide Assembly which will be held in August, 2022, in Columbus, Ohio.

The Nominating Committee invites members of Grand Canyon Synod congregations to prayerfully consider if God is calling them to serve on synod council, on a committee, or as a voting member at the next Churchwide Assembly. Nomination forms for all positions must be received no later than 4/23/2021. Get more info and nominate yourself or someone else.