Navigating the Digital Age of Ministry with AI and Content Creation

Explore the fusion of faith and technology in "Amplifying Digital Ministry: AI and Content Creation," a workshop by Ryan Panzer and presented by Luther Seminary’s faith+lead, designed to guide faith communities in the digital age.

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, the line between in-person and online communities is becoming increasingly blurred. For faith communities, the challenge is not just to exist in this hybrid world, but to thrive and foster genuine spiritual connections.

Introducing "Amplifying Digital Ministry: AI and Content Creation," a cutting-edge workshop tailored to guide church leaders through the intricate maze of merging technology with faith. Hosted by Ryan Panzer, renowned author of "The Holy and the Hybrid: Navigating the Church’s Digital Reformation," this workshop delves deep into the intersection of faith and technology.

From harnessing AI for content creation to using platforms like TikTok for outreach, participants will walk away with an arsenal of tools and strategies, all aimed at creating a seamless worship experience for both in-person and online attendees. With a focus on sustainable and purposeful content, this workshop promises to equip you with actionable insights to strengthen your faith community in the digital age.

So, if you're keen on exploring the possibilities that AI and digital content offer to the world of ministry, this is an event not to be missed. Enroll today in this workshop from Luther Seminary’s faith+lead and pave the way for a harmonious hybrid ministry.