Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA

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Lutheran World Federation newsletter: 3/3/2023

This lent, the LWF invites Lutheran churches worldwide to pray for peace in seven countries and regions worldwide. The hashtag #7weeksforpeace will highlight current emergencies and protracted conflicts and how the LWF responds and supports.


LWF marks one year of Ukraine response

Lutherans, Orthodox plan to mark Nicaea anniversary

LWF launches "Seven weeks for peace" lent campaign


"It is difficult to process all that is happening”

Get Involved

Donate to support
the people of Ukraine

Seven weeks for peace

LWF Lent campaign 2023

Climate Justice Projects

Call for applications: 30 April 2023

Ongoing Campaigns and Open Calls


LWF at UN Commission on the Status of Women

06–17 March 2023

LWF World Service Regional Management Team Meeting

20–24 March 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Europe

21–24 March 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Latin America, the Caribbean and North America

17–21 April 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Africa

8–13 May 2023

2023 Pre-Assembly: Asia

14–19 June 2023

LWF Thirteenth Assembly

13–19 September 2023



LWF responds to the war in Ukraine

Photos: LWF in Poland
      – Ukraine response

Photos: LWF in Ukraine

No One Is Safe Until Everyone Is Safe

Advocacy and Policy Engagement on the COVID-19 Pandemic

In Communion – The Lutheran World Federation 1947-2022

LWF Photo Library