Leading Well Learning Retreat at Spirit in the Desert

Leading Well is a retreat for church leaders. Join us for a four-day training experience for pastors and church leaders that offers practical learning, Sabbath rest, and support. Tuesday, 11/15/2022 – Friday, 11/18/2022, at Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center. Register for Leading Well here.


  • Renew yourself through worship, prayer, rest and fellowship.

  • Practice living and leading well as you build on your gifts and strengths.

  • Inspire team members to be creative, collaborative and conscious of God’s presence in their lives.

  • Learn ways to interpret your ministry context and adapt to changing ministry environment.

  • Gain wisdom from your colleagues around a variety of ministry issues.


DAY ONE – Tuesday

  • Reflections and stories about living well

  • Reflections and stories about leading well

  • Learning to be present and curious

DAY TWO – Wednesday

  • Listening to Scripture and each other

  • Naming God’s activity

  • Storytelling as the basis for discipleship

  • Storytelling as the basis for stewardship

  • Embedding storytelling into your churches

DAY THREE – Thursday

  • Embracing disruptive changes as doors to deeper mission

  • Anticipating and preparing for disruption

  • Rethinking our congregational norms

DAY FOUR – Friday

  • Creative crowd-sourcing session

  • Using crowd-sourcing in or congregations

  • Naming our ONE THING and ONE WORD


  • Pastors of small and large churches who desire to raise up spiritual elders.

  • Diaconal ministers and program staff who work with ministry teams.

  • Diaconal and health ministers who support wellness ministry initiatives.

  • Newly called ministry leaders who seek to rethink and reimagine ministry in new ways.

  • Judicatory leaders seeking develop healthy cultures and systems in faith communities.


Your facilitators for the Leading Well Learning Retreat include:

  • Tammy Devine, Worship Leader, Facilitator & Coach

  • Jim LaDoux, Retreat Host, Facilitator & Coach

  • Matthew Short, Worship Leader, Facilitator & Chaplain

  • John Weit, Musician & Facilitator


Price per person (fees vary based on the type of accommodation chosen):

  • One person, private room : $1,000 per person (*Available for Medical Reasons Only!)

  • Two people, two in a room : $900 per person, shared bathroom

  • Commuter Off-site housing : $675 per person (9 meals & hospitality incl. on site)

  • Special rate for non-participating spouse in shared room: $450 per person

All-inclusive Program Fee includes tuition, event preparation, participant materials, housing (if desired), 9 meals and on-site hospitality.

For Approved Siebert Grant Participants: Please register using the “SIEBERT” options. NO PAYMENT IS REQUIRED for Double accommodations. A payment of $150 is required for those requesting a Single room (for Medical Reasons Only!). NOTE: The number of single rooms available at Spirit in the Desert is limited. Rooms will be reserved on a first come-first served basis for those with legitimate medical needs. Off-site accommodations are also available (commuter rates apply).

For those staying at Spirit in the Desert: For Early Arrival, please make arrangements directly with Guest Services at Spirit in the Desert, 480.488.5218 or denise@spiritinthedesert.org. Payment for early arrivals will be collected by Spirit in the Desert.

The Leading Well Retreat is developed and produced through Vibrant Faith.