Is God Calling You to Lead? Join an Online Discernment Group
Do you ever feel like God is tapping you on the shoulder? Are you curious about church leadership, wondering whether it might be for you? Have you thought about seminary but don’t know where to begin? You are not alone.
The ELCA, in partnership with all its seminaries, is once again offering Online Discernment Groups—a space for those exploring God’s call to leadership. These virtual small groups will meet over three sessions, creating an opportunity to reflect, ask questions, and hear from others on a similar journey. Whether you’re actively considering ministry or just want to learn more, this is a welcoming space to explore your next steps.
Interested in joining? Sign up today by visiting and filling out the contact form, or by emailing
Are you a rostered minister interested in leading one of these groups? Email to learn more about how you can help guide those discerning their call.
Don’t ignore that nudge—join a community of fellow seekers and take the next step in listening for God’s voice.