Installation of Rev. Annemarie J. Burke
All are welcome to attend the installation of Pastor Annemarie Burke at Esperanza Lutheran Church, Phoenix, by Bishop Deborah Hutterer on Saturday, January 30, 2021, at 3 pm MST, 2 pm PST. The ceremony will be conducted on Zoom.
Click here to join the Zoom meeting, and view/download the Service of Installation as PDF.
“Esperanza is thrilled to have Pastor Annemarie guide our forward journey,” said Michelle Tinsley, council president. “Her discerning approach and ability to include all points of view will enable us to build on our strong foundations. I look forward to serving her and the congregation through this transition.”
“I’m so very glad to be coming to serve with all of you at Esperanza,” said Pastor Annemarie. “You are beautifully poised for ministry and outreach in the community, and I’m so looking forward to joining you as we step together with Christ into new beginnings.”
Please remain muted throughout the worship service except where noted, when we welcome Pastor Annemarie Burke with our applause. Please set you Zoom to “Speaker View” for the optimal viewing experience. We are all experienced at Zoom by now, but we could all benefit from a brush up on Zoom skills and etiquette. Here is a link from the synod website with helpful tricks, tips, and etiquette.
This is an important event in the life of Esperanza, but pandemic restrictions are not going to dampen our ability to provide a warm welcome. We can all participate by viewing the installation service online then welcoming her in person!
Find your local number:
Meeting ID: 820 7200 4161
Passcode: 988429
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,82072004161#,,,,*988429# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,82072004161#,,,,*988429# US (Tacoma)
“Ever-living God, strengthen and sustain pastors, especially Pastor Annemarie Burke, that with patience and understanding they may love and care for your people. Grant that together they may follow in the way of Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.”