Have you registered for the Rostered Ministers Gathering?

If you like to welcome people, help with registration, or have the gift of hospitality, please connect with Pastor Doug Dill: pastordoug@centrallutheranaz.org or 402-235-6969.

Rostered Ministers Gathering
July 17-20, 2023 in Phoenix, Arizona

Dear friends,

What colleague do you wish lived next door to you?

Professional ministry can be isolating and lonely. Throw in a pandemic and the practices of social distance and quarantines and we are even more separated. We were created to be together – that story is told in our scriptures from Genesis through Revelation. Let’s practice that this summer.

You can still register for the Rostered Ministers Gathering, and the early-bird rate of $245 is good through March 31. You will need to book hotel and travel separately. A limited number of scholarships are available.

Highlights of the gathering follow, and more information is available at elca.org/rmg.


We are planning this for you!

God be near,
The Rostered Ministers Gathering Planning Team

P.S. Find the Rostered Ministers Gathering on Facebook (facebook.com/ELCARMG/) and follow it on Instagram @elca_rmg.

Gathering highlights:

  • More than 90 workshops offered over four workshop blocks.

  • Inspiring and educational speakers and Bible study leaders.

  • An interaction center with over 30 exhibits.

  • A celebration banquet for all attendees.

  • Space to reconnect with colleagues from across the ELCA.

Featured guests and speakers include:

  • Jeff Chu, co-author of Wholehearted Faith.

  • Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie, the first female elected bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church.

  • The Rev. Dr. Karoline Lewis, chair in biblical preaching at Luther Seminary.

  • Deacon Dr. Mindy Makant, dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Lenoir-Rhyne University.

  • The Rev. Dr. Carmelo Santos, Director for theological diversity and ecumenical and interreligious engagement for the ELCA.

  • Bishop Kevin Strickland, bishop of the Southeastern Synod of the ELCA.