Grand Canyon and Rocky Mountain Synods awarded three-year Lilly grant

We are excited to announce that the Lilly Endowment has recently awarded  the Grand Canyon and Rocky Mountain Synods a $1,000,000 grant, beginning January, 2020!

The new grant will expend a total of $1,000,000. Half of that amount consists of Lilly dollars, and half is required to be raised in order to match each grant dollar. The plan is to expend $700,000 in the Rocky Mountain Synod and $300,000 in the Grand Canyon Synod. Each Synod will raise half of their expenditures. 

Part of the Lilly grant will focus on Stewardship for All Seasons. Rather than a culture of scarcity, Stewardship for All Seasons roots faith communities in God’s promise of abundant life and equips pastors, deacons, and congregational leaders to carry out fruitful, broad-range stewardship programs that enliven a culture of generosity.

Brian FlatgardComment