Global Spotlight: ELCA World Hunger

Uniting in the Fight Against Global Hunger

As members of the Grand Canyon Synod and the broader ELCA community, we are called to action in the face of global hunger—a challenge that affects over 820 million people worldwide. Through ELCA World Hunger, we join hands with congregations, international Lutheran churches, and various partners to make a tangible difference in combating hunger and its underlying causes.

ELCA World Hunger is uniquely positioned to extend our mission support far beyond our local communities, impacting lives across more than 60 countries. This initiative works through a deeply collaborative approach known as accompaniment, where the ELCA and its global partners co-develop strategies to address hunger and poverty effectively. By supporting projects related to healthcare, income generation, food security, clean water, and education, your contributions foster sustainable solutions that target the very roots of these issues.

Our commitment through ELCA World Hunger goes beyond temporary relief, aiming to create long-lasting change. This is made possible by our global network, including companion churches and organizations that understand their local contexts intimately. Together, we not only meet immediate needs but also empower communities to sustain their progress through advocacy and sustainable development projects.

This extensive reach of ELCA World Hunger illustrates the power of our collective action. As we continue to support this vital work, we invite you to deepen your engagement with ELCA World Hunger. Learn more about how your gifts make a difference and consider how you can contribute to this life-changing mission.