Explore and Engage: Visit Our Exhibitors at the Synod Assembly

We extend our heartfelt thanks to each of our exhibitors who have graciously joined us at this year’s Synod Assembly. Their dedication and willingness to engage with our community have enriched our gathering immensely.

From educational institutions like California Lutheran University & Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary to vital ministry supports such as the ELCA Foundation and the Grand Canyon Synod Hunger Leaders Network, each exhibitor plays a crucial role in the tapestry of our church’s mission and outreach. Centers like Camp ALOMA and Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center offer a glimpse into the places of rest and rejuvenation available to our community.

This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone attending the assembly to connect with these organizations personally. We invite all voting members and guests to visit the exhibitors in the sanctuary, where they have set up their displays. This is a perfect chance to learn more about their missions and programs, ask questions, and perhaps find new ways to get involved.

Additionally, refreshments and food will be available in the sanctuary, making it an ideal spot to take a break, enjoy some fellowship, and support our exhibitors.

Once again, thank you to all our exhibitors for their participation and support. Your presence at the assembly is not just appreciated; it is essential. We look forward to the conversations and collaborations that will spark from this year’s engagement.