Enhance Your Ministry: Subscribe for Weekly NewsUpdates

We live in a fast-paced world, so staying informed and connected is crucial, especially within our vibrant faith community. This is why we are inviting you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter. More than just a source of updates, our newsletter is a bridge to stronger community ties, and celebrates our shared experiences, joys, and challenges.

Each issue contains stories and resources for congregations and ministries across our synod, highlighting faith in action and the positive impacts being made at the grassroots level. Additionally, we provide updates from our partner ministries and organizations within Region 2, the broader ELCA, and even global news from the Lutheran World Federation.

For leaders looking to streamline communication, we offer to import your existing email list, ensuring your whole community stays informed with ease.

Through June, our newsletter is an essential resource for staying abreast of the latest assembly developments, ensuring you and your community are well-informed about decisions and discussions that impact our collective mission.

Subscribe today and join us in weaving a tighter fabric of community across our synod and the wider world.