ELCA Worship News: April 2022
The April, 2022 newsletter from ELCA worship is available, featuring All Creation Sings, events, and resources in English and Spanish. Read the newsletter here.
“Alleluia. Christ is risen.
Christ is risen, indeed. Alleluia!”
On behalf of my colleagues on the ELCA Worship team, we bring you greetings in this Eastertide. We rejoice in the triumph of life over death and sing praise for the new creation in Christ.
Even when rejoicing, the prayer of God’s people never ceases, especially for all in need. If you are seeking prayers or other resources related to the war in Ukraine, ELCA Worship has published a set of resources to respond to the crisis and are available as a PDF or Word document.
A late-March blog post includes a thanksgiving for baptism and an Eastertide lament by liturgical scholar and writer Gail Ramshaw. These texts hold in tension the joy of the resurrection with the reality of violence and suffering in our world.
Weekly prompts for prayers of intercession on the ELCA Worship blog continue to provide timely prompts for prayer that can be adapted as needed for your context.
We pray and sing, praise and lament, trusting the power of the Risen One with love unbounded. Easter blessings!
In peace,
Deacon Jennifer Baker-Trinity
Program Manager, Worship Resource Development