ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering: Empowering Leaders in the Fight Against Global Hunger

The most recent Go and Do Good News newsletter from ELCA World Hunger features the ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in Houston. The event showcased the ELCA's enduring commitment to addressing global hunger and poverty, featuring enriching sessions, advocacy for migrants, and resources for Lent 2024 and the 50th anniversary celebration of ELCA World Hunger.

The ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in Houston, Texas, from February 1-4, 2024, brought together leaders passionate about addressing global hunger and poverty. This event featured service-learning opportunities, sessions led by experts in hunger work, and a celebration of ELCA World Hunger's upcoming 50th anniversary. Attendees explored various topics, from hunger education to advocacy campaigns, enriching their understanding and commitment to this vital cause.

The gathering also highlighted the ELCA's commitment to accompanying migrants through AMMPARO welcoming congregations and emphasized the importance of advocacy for asylum-seekers. With resources for Lent 2024 and the 50th anniversary of ELCA World Hunger now available, congregations have the opportunity to deepen their engagement in addressing hunger and poverty.