ELCA Spotlight: Domestic Hunger Grants

The Grand Canyon Synod is proud to spotlight the ELCA Domestic Hunger Grants program, a pivotal initiative supporting congregations and their partners across the United States and the Caribbean. These grants, powered by your faithful contributions, are not just about providing immediate relief but also about addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate hunger and poverty.

ELCA World Hunger’s Domestic Hunger Grants foster transformative, holistic, and integrated approaches to breaking the cycle of poverty. By focusing on food security, clean water, housing, job access, human rights, policy change, and more, these grants embody our Lutheran call to accompany communities toward a just world where all are fed.

This year, over 149 ministries across 57 synods and 41 states, including Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C., benefit from these grants. Noteworthy projects include an intergenerational community garden at Kinsmen Lutheran Church in Houston, Texas, and initiatives by Centro De Trabajadores Unidos En La Lucha, which organizes for dignity and respect in the Twin Cities. These projects exemplify our commitment to justice and equity, addressing the intersections of migrant, economic, racial, gender, and environmental justice.

Grants are awarded for a three-year cycle, with a focus on sustainability and innovation. Applications open annually in spring, and we encourage our ministries interested in applying to start preparing now to be part of this life-changing work.

As we continue to support and pray for these ministries, we invite you to learn more and consider how your congregation can engage in or support these vital efforts to ensure a just world where all may have life abundantly.