Diakonia info sessions available for upcoming fall classes

Diakonia classes start on September 7, 2020, and three information night sessions are scheduled for anyone to attend: Tues., 8/18/2020 7 pm (Zoom Link); Weds., 8/19/2020 6:30 pm (Zoom Link); Mon., 8/31/2020 6 pm (Zoom link).

The Grand Canyon Synod Diakonia program (diakoniaaz.org) is a means to prepare lay leaders in changing times to support the mission of the church with wisdom and understanding in accordance with our Lutheran understanding of who God is and how God works.

Diakonia is also a Faith Formation program designed to help the lay person in your congregation develop and grow their individual faith. The program also help student to discern what God is calling them to do personally as members of the body of Christ.

Like many educational institutions, we are planning on a lot of remote learning this school year, which also means remote information sessions. 

Our upcoming meetings is a great opportunity to receive more information about the Diakonia program and ask questions: