Censuses can still be submitted

April 1, Census Day, is a key reference date for the 2020 Census—not a deadline. You can still respond after that date, and the deadline has been moved to fall of 2020.

The Arizona and Nevada Census 2020 websites, loaded with resources, are https://census.nv.gov and https://azcensus2020.gov/be-counted.

Bahney Dedolph, Deputy Director with the Arizona Council of Human Service Providers, shares words of encouragement on how we can lift our low response rates:

We have all been pretty wrapped up in COVID—as we should be.  However, we need to take a few moments to focus on the importance of ensuring that every Arizonan is counted in the 2020 census.

The deadline to complete the census has been moved to fall 2020, but we shouldn’t wait to encourage our staff, boards, and individuals and families we serve to complete their census form either on line, over the phone, or by mail.

The bad news first: so far Arizona has a less than a 50% response rate to the census and we rank 34th in the country for response. At this response rate we will lose millions, if not billions, of federal funds and possibly lose a Congressional representative.  We have chronically undercounted communities and populations—most notably communities of color, homeless populations, and children.

The good news last: We can change this. I will attach some resources below, but it is simple. First make sure that you and your family have been counted. Then make sure that your staff and all of their families have been counted. Then your board…  those you have the pleasure to serve.  Send an email, write a letter, make some phone calls.  Whatever it takes to let those in your sphere of influence know how important it is to complete the census.  It takes less than 10 minutes to complete.  And it reaps tremendous benefits.

The Arizona and Nevada Census 2020 websites, with lots of resources: https://census.nv.gov and https://azcensus2020.gov/be-counted.

PAFCO Website with lots of resources:  https://www.pafcoalition.org/census2020