Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage and Oberammergau Passion Play trips

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Rainforth Passion Play 2022 - Facebook Ad 1200x1125.jpg

Join Rev. Judith Rainforth, Pastor of Spirituality & Care at American Lutheran Church in Sun City, on these two trips of a lifetime.

The 2022 Oberammergau Passion Play trip is June 19 – 30, 2022. This once every decade experience is wrapped in the Footsteps of Paul through Greece & Italy, along with the beauty, culture, and history of Austria & Germany. Register at or download the brochure.

Or walk the Camino de Santiago Pilgrimage using the Coastal Route through Portugal and Spain on ancient paths that crisscross forests and villages, April 19 – May 2, 2022. Register at or download the brochure.