Bishop's Letter: What does Christmas really mean?

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. —Isaiah 43:19

I was having coffee with a hiking friend the other morning and we were talking about Christmas. My friend recently joined an ELCA congregation after many years of questioning her faith in the Gospel.

She shared her joy at re-discovering Christ's birth this Christmas. In the midst of shopping, parties, and festivities, she has valued the quiet times and pausing to gaze upon the Christ-child in the manger.  

What a gift, that is available to each of us every year at Christmas. To pause and see that little baby. To spend time with God. 

What does it really mean that Christ was born among us? Do you see yourself at the birth of our Savior?  

Who might you want to share Christ with this Christmas? If you're not sure, you might pray "God, put an opportunity in front of me to share my faith in you with another who needs it today."

And if you are the person that needs to see Christ re-born into your life, I pray that God will send people and moments your way to renew and strengthen your faith and witness.

Lord, your coming as miraculous today as it was long ago. Joining the human family as one who was poor and displaced baffles and convicts us. Keep us by your manger so we can learn you way of love and then send us to point to the new things you are doing among and through us through Jesus, the Christ, and Light of the world. Amen.


The Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer
Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA