Bishop Hutterer visits Senegal
Bishop Deborah K. Hutterer and her husband, Pastor Alan Field, visited Senegal at the turn of the year, and was hosted by Rev. Adama Faye, President of the Lutheran Church of Senegal. President Faye (rhymes with fly) will attend the Grand Canyon Synod Assembly in Las Vegas on June 11 and 12, 2020.
We are partnered with the Lutheran Church of Senegal (LCS) as their sole companion synod. We also participate in the ELCA Young Adults in Global Mission Senegalese program, hosted by LCS and Senegalese Lutheran Development Services (SLDS).
We invite you to scroll down to view photos and learn more.

African Renaissance Monument
Bishop Hutterer and Lutheran Church of Senegal President Faye at the African Renaissance Monument outside of Dakar, Senegal. The Église Luthérienne du Senegal has over 4,000 members.

The Faye family
President Faye’s family at home.

About Senegal
Located along the northeast coast, Senegal is a 95% Muslim country with one of the more successful post-colonial democratic transitions in Africa.

A typical marketplace in Mbour. French is the official language of Senegal.

President Faye with Pastor Joseph, the caretaker and creator of a farm and orchard.

Growing community
Like this farm which grew from bare land, the church here grows in places with no existing Lutheran roots. President Faye meets with village elders to explain his intent to plant a church, and with permission, begins to build.

Making bricks on site
A church rises from the ground upon which it lies, with the people of the area as its foundation as well. This will be the largest Lutheran Church between Dakar and Fatick when complete.

Raising community
Builders pass blocks to each other as the church is raised. As churches are built, people are thanking Faye and his team for coming in and giving them something to do and work on.

Bishop Hutterer, President Faye, and YAGM Sarah Weaver. As Americans, we walk with our Senegalese brothers and sisters in the spirit of accompaniment. We define accompaniment as walking together, in a solidarity that practices interdependence and mutuality. Pastor Kristin Engstrom is the Country Coordinator for the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program in Senegal.

Bishop Hutterer, English teacher Joseph, and Pastor Alan Field.

In the LCS offices.

President Faye speaking at a pastor’s gathering.

YAGM Julie Gerrish’s host father, Pastor Latyr Diouf.

Michel, Vice President of LCS, with Bishop Hutterer.

Pastors gather during a break.

Sophie Faye (no relation to President Faye), one of the youth who visited Grand Canyon Synod last year. Faye is a common last name in Senegal.

A group of youth who visited the Grand Canyon Synod and the United States recently.

The youth program in Senegal is targeted for 20- to 35-year-olds. They are very inspired and inspiring.

Guitarist Jacques prepares for worship.

The choir singing at worship.

We are thankful for the people who came before us who brought our Senegalese companionship to fruition. We look forward to President Faye’s assembly visit and walking together on the path set before us.