Bishop Hutterer: Teranga, Hospitalidad, and the Spirit of Generosity
“Freely you have received; freely give.”
Dear Siblings in Christ,
This Advent season, as we wait in hopeful anticipation for the gift of Christ’s birth, I find myself reflecting deeply on gifts and generosity. Not just the kind we wrap in paper and ribbons, but the kind we experience through the Spirit—the gifts of love, grace, and community that bind us together as one church, one body of Christ.
In the past months, I’ve been blessed to witness firsthand how the Holy Spirit moves through our shared ministry, both within our synod and across the globe. During recent visits to two of our companion churches—the Lutheran Church of Senegal (LCS) and Iglesia Luterana Mexicana (ILM)—I saw acts of generosity that have left me humbled and inspired.
In Senegal, we renewed our covenant as global companions. In Senegal, a majority Muslim country, we saw Christians and Muslims work side by side in harmony, embodying a spirit of peace and hospitality known as “Teranga.” At Senegalese Lutheran Development Services (SLDS), we saw this generosity in action. SLDS provides health care, education, and community development, transforming lives in profound ways.
I was struck by a moment during a celebration where community leaders—graduates of SLDS programs who are now doctors, bankers, teachers, and public officials—gathered to say thank you. There were speeches, music, and testimonies, all recognizing the partnership between SLDS and the ELCA. It was humbling for us to sit in the front row, receiving gratitude for work that began long before I was Bishop. But that is the beauty of the church—each of us contributes to a greater story of God’s love, a story that continues long after our part is played.
In Tepic, Mexico, at Iglesia San Pablo, I witnessed another profound act of generosity. After a joyful and resourceful “karaoke worship” done on a phone and Bluetooth speaker, we learned that the church had been vandalized, their sound system stolen, and their piano ruined. And yet, after we shared a meal and stories with the congregation, four women approached me with an unexpected gift—an offering they had gathered for me. Their sacrificial generosity left me nearly speechless. When I asked ILM’s Pastor President, Rev. Roberto Trejo, what I should do with this gift, he simply replied that I should receive it as we receive all gifts from God—with gratitude and humility.
These experiences remind me that generosity is not just a virtue—it is a reflection of the Holy Spirit at work within us. It is the love of God poured out through acts of kindness, hospitality, and grace. Whether it is a congregation giving from their scarcity or a community investing in the future of their children, these gifts reveal the heart of God’s kingdom.
I want to take a moment to thank you—our congregations, leaders, and individuals across the Grand Canyon Synod—for your generosity this year. Through your benevolence, our synod, together with the ELCA, is able to nurture relationships with our global companions in Senegal and Mexico, supporting vital ministries like SLDS that bring health care, education, and empowerment to communities. Your prayers, financial gifts, and acts of service embody God’s love in action, here at home and around the world. Thank you for sharing so freely from the gifts you have received.
This Advent, as we prepare for the ultimate gift of Christ’s birth, I invite you to reflect on the ways God’s generosity flows through your life and through our shared ministry as the Grand Canyon Synod. I invite you to pray with me:
Gracious and generous God,
We give you thanks for the many gifts you pour out upon us—gifts of love, community, and faith. Fill our hearts with the spirit of generosity, that we may give freely as you have given to us. Bless our companions near and far, and may we all be united in your love as we await the birth of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.
May we prepare our hearts this Advent to receive the greatest gift of all: Emmanuel, God with us. And may the Spirit of generosity—the Holy Spirit—continue to inspire and guide us in the year to come.
With gratitude and blessings,
The Rev. Deborah K. Hutterer
Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA